6 gallon eclipse aquarium kit


New Member
Jul 25, 2004
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I know a betta would be a good idea, but I am wondering if there are any other options for me. Any ideas appreciated.
Hi Johnnypoohpooh

You could probably try some kind of shrimp or a crab if those kinds of things interest you. HTH :)
knvb7741 said:
Hi Johnnypoohpooh

You could probably try some kind of shrimp or a crab if those kinds of things interest you. HTH :)
But make sure you don't add both shrimp AND crab. Now that I think of it, I wouldn't trust crab with a long finned, slow fish either. An African Dwarf Frog or two also works with betta.
A few male guppies would probably work... shrimp and some ADF's... quite a few people do bettas shrimp and ADF's together and they work out well. What kinda of filtration do you have?
I don't see why anyone buys these. 10g kits are a fraction the price at 50 bucks. These are like 60 bucks for the 6g kits.
Space is one reason. My mom would like a tank and the spot she has to put it would fit one of the 6 Gallon eclipse kits but not a full 10 Gallon. She also doesn't have the health to care for a larger tank. A 6 Gallon Eclipse would only need a 1 gallon water change a week once cycled. :)
I think that the bigger the tank, the easier. More stable. 6 is really small to keep it stable.
eclipse tanks are acrylic show tanks with the filter out of sight, so it leaves more room in the tank and i think they look better, you're paying for the look and name with an eclipse, that's why a smaller tank cost more.
It doesn't matter, lets just help Johnny find some fish for the thing!
you could really go with any type of livebearer (molly, guppy, platy, swordtail), a couple of one kind or one of a couple. keep in mind the one inch of fish to one gallon of water rule (best not to stretch this rule in a small tank). its too small for any schooling fish like tetras or danios or rasboras, not enough room to swim about. a little group of cories (3-4) would work, panda cories are smaller than most and would be excellent in your little tank to keep the bottom clean.
how about a pair of killifish?
If you decide to get a couple of livebearers, get 2 males or you'll end up with fry. DON'T get swordtails or anything but ordinary fancy mollies. Swordtails and larger mollies are too large and two male swordtails alone in such a small tank would spell disaster for one or the other or both... I would go with 2 male guppies or 2 male platies myself. Guppies are better for a smaller tank. You could even have 3 male guppies in a 6 gallon.

Cories are a bad idea because they are shoaling fish and each get up to 2-3 inches. They should be kept in at least groups of 4 of each species so unless they are dwarf cories (1.5 inches) you could not provide them with this.

I think killifish are a great idea. Another option would be 5 mosquito fish... they are livebearers but tiny. Dwarf cories are also a lot of fun.
I really appreciate all the suggestions. I think I have decided to get a few red fire platys. This aquarium is really for my mom. Since I started keeping fish she has gotten more and more interested in getting an aquarium of her own. I looked up some pictures of the platys and showed them to her and she loved them. Thanks again for all the help. You guys rock!

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