55 Gallon New Stock

You should try water lettuce, it is an excellent plant for fish like hatchets.

I'm looking more at water crest or duckweed. I like the look better. No answer to my question though :( Will silver hatchets school with marbled hatchets?
I have always gotten the impression that Marbel Hatchetfish are specialist fish that need a lot of care and definitely a mature tank set up. Very sensitive to water quality & tricky to acclimatise to tanks. Have you tried feeding them any live or fresh foods like fresh brine shrimp? I've heard that helps them a lot (they will eat flake food but they don't do too great on it in the long term). Try adding some floating plants to the tank (if it hasn't already got some) to help them feel more at home & reduce their stress levels ^_^v . Also keep an eye out for Whitespot as they are very vulnerable to it.

The remaining 2 are fine eating flakes. But if you say they're tricky to aclimate that could explain a lot as it's been 3 days. And 3 were dead by day 2... Now, 4 dead. I'm hoping the other 2 will survive, they eat and swim happy and healthy looking... If I got a school of silver hatchets, would the marbles school with them?
Edit--> Floating plants in :) Well, not really a floating plant, just a nice big and too tall for my tank one lol, it overflows on the top a bit which actually looks quiet nice. And ty for whitespot tip, I'll keep my eye on it. I will get pictures soon, was too busy tonight with my christmas party lol

Yeah it does sound like an acclimatisation issue, but hopefully the other 2 will pull through and it will all be fine :good: .

I couldn't say for certain about the shoaling thing though. Even with species of fish as closely related as pearl danios & zebra/leopard danios, while there will be some degree of intermixing the two types of fish will still prefer their own company. I don't have any experience keeping common & marbelled hatchets together though, so this is only theoretical. If there's lots of planting in the tank and the last hatchets pull through, they should be fine together for the next couple of months while the tank becomes more established before you add more hatchets (while in small numbers they will feel more secure with less other fish around- try to avoid getting any very active fish which might unsettle the hatchets) :thumbs: .
Well the other 2 Hatchets are still happy and healthy, I cant find like 90% of my neons today though, they were there yesterday so Im sure they're just hiding as I did just turn the lights on an hour ago lol. The neons are the most active thing in my tank besides my single Zebra Danio, but he seems to leave the hatchets alone.

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