55 Gallon Fish Stocking


Fish Crazy
Dec 27, 2013
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i could be starting a 55 gallon aquarium soon and if i did i thought i would try something diiferent so i thought origonally that a turtle and fish tank might work but it turns out that it wont from the advice of 2 people on the froums and a couple of sites ive found
so to start a new it hought would a tank focused around a blue lobster could work if so what fish would be good i already have a good idea for plants but for it to work i will need to know can blue lobsters climb driftwood that is at a very steep angle e.g 70 to 90 degrees
thank you for any advice givenif the blue lobster wouldnt work would a single/group of red crabs work better in england so other types of crab or lobster arent avalible
Im assuming the blue lobster is a cray fish? they are very deadly predators and any fish smaller than it is fair game and will be in constant danger. You can keep them in numbers but don't overcrowd to avoid fighting. maybe 3 will be enough. If you want to keep fish, make sure they are at least twice the lobsters size, and not a species that will try and eat the crayfish.
It would have to be fish that stay ONLY on the top, which doesn't exist, all fish that stay in the upper region of the tanks, that are larger than the crays get to big for the tank, the only thing I can think of that might work is 2 adult angels.
2 adult angels would work, maybe even 2 adult discus but those are a whole world of care on their own. Maybe a geophagus would be ok too or blue acara. I wouldn't put it past a severum or an Oscar to try and eat the crays though. Actually gouramis might work too. Theyre big, fast tough and stay on the upper regions of the tank. Just be aware any fish small enough to be considered food will be eaten by the crays

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