Over the years, I had wished that I had done some type of fish journaling. Realistically for my own notes and reminders and things. I think a journal for your tank is an absolutely great idea and I'm going to take full advantage here 
So, we lived in Calgary, AB for a little over 10 years ( 1997-2008 ) and during the mid way point of that time, I found myself working at a place called Aquatic Imports. Run by a man named Roger who's grandfather started this business in the early 1920's. I BELIEVE ( not 100% ) they are one of the only actual aquatic distributors in Western Canada. Rogers gets his fish right from the suppliers in Asia, Africa and South America.
I can't tell you what it's like walking into over 1100, 100 Gal tanks everyday. But I learned more than I ever thought I would. So.... my story :
I don't run chemicals in my tanks, ever. I try replicating the fish's natural environments when setting up tanks, but I don't like too much crowding so I leave big areas for swimming. I run 2 TOP FIN Power 75's - the flow is a little high but it's not over the top. And of course a heater... more on this.
This one is gonna throw ya's : I don't take water out during "water changes", never have. My tanks have always been crystal clear, fish have always lived long and healthy lives and I've never lost a fish under 4 years in any of my tanks. So...I don't worry about things like Chlorine and Chloramine. There is a step you can do to eliminate the C+C before it even goes in the tank. I will post a typical water change routine for me in a further post.
I set her all up and let it sit for about 2 weeks. Picked up some Pristella Tetras for cycling and they all lived, so they get to stay. About 2 weeks after that, we put some Panda Cory's in and that weekend we started stocking the fish.
Currently ( and no changes probably ever ) :
2 Ryukins ( one red, one red and white )
2 Black Moors
2 Calico Ryukins
1 Chocolate Oranda
1 Red Capped Oranda
3 Panda Cory's
1 Borneo Pleco ( loach )
Might say that's too stocked. Certain fish, yes, can and will out grow their tanks. There's quite a few myths with 'goldfish' that I will dispel in a later post as well, but they won't actually outgrow the tank with other tank mates. Always had a fancy tail tank in the living room, they never got to the point they were too big.
I will have some good pics in a day or two - a little busy the next few days but I MIGHT be able to squeeze some free time in here. My second post on this thread will be how and why I run the tank like I do and some fish myths that should be mentioned.
So, we lived in Calgary, AB for a little over 10 years ( 1997-2008 ) and during the mid way point of that time, I found myself working at a place called Aquatic Imports. Run by a man named Roger who's grandfather started this business in the early 1920's. I BELIEVE ( not 100% ) they are one of the only actual aquatic distributors in Western Canada. Rogers gets his fish right from the suppliers in Asia, Africa and South America.
I can't tell you what it's like walking into over 1100, 100 Gal tanks everyday. But I learned more than I ever thought I would. So.... my story :
I don't run chemicals in my tanks, ever. I try replicating the fish's natural environments when setting up tanks, but I don't like too much crowding so I leave big areas for swimming. I run 2 TOP FIN Power 75's - the flow is a little high but it's not over the top. And of course a heater... more on this.
This one is gonna throw ya's : I don't take water out during "water changes", never have. My tanks have always been crystal clear, fish have always lived long and healthy lives and I've never lost a fish under 4 years in any of my tanks. So...I don't worry about things like Chlorine and Chloramine. There is a step you can do to eliminate the C+C before it even goes in the tank. I will post a typical water change routine for me in a further post.
I set her all up and let it sit for about 2 weeks. Picked up some Pristella Tetras for cycling and they all lived, so they get to stay. About 2 weeks after that, we put some Panda Cory's in and that weekend we started stocking the fish.
Currently ( and no changes probably ever ) :
2 Ryukins ( one red, one red and white )
2 Black Moors
2 Calico Ryukins
1 Chocolate Oranda
1 Red Capped Oranda
3 Panda Cory's
1 Borneo Pleco ( loach )
Might say that's too stocked. Certain fish, yes, can and will out grow their tanks. There's quite a few myths with 'goldfish' that I will dispel in a later post as well, but they won't actually outgrow the tank with other tank mates. Always had a fancy tail tank in the living room, they never got to the point they were too big.
I will have some good pics in a day or two - a little busy the next few days but I MIGHT be able to squeeze some free time in here. My second post on this thread will be how and why I run the tank like I do and some fish myths that should be mentioned.