5 Planted Tanks

Current state of things-
20g aquarium:

7 neons
2 red eyes
4 cherry barbs
Hornwort, crypts, buce, Barclaya, swords, frog bit.

10g killi tank:

3 female clown killifish, over 50 orange shrimp.
Hornwort, dwarf sag.

10g gourami tank:

5 speaking gourami, 2 Amano shrimp, assorted neocardinia shrimp.
Hornwort, bacopa, ludwigia, Pygmy chain swords.
Some sort of weird white growth on the plants. Not sure what.

40g breeder:

6 neolamprologus similis(breeding now and then), one pea puffer(temp home)
Dwarf sag, amazing sword, rrf, jungle Val, water wisteria.

10g aquarium(DSM):

Just started this one. Excited about this tank as it's different from anything I've ever done.
Mostly plants I've never grown before.
Trying out the dry start method.
Micro swords, pennywort japan, hydrocotyle verticillata, fissidens fontanus, ranunculus inudatus, glossostigma.
how many planted tanks do you have in total? Do you have more than these 5?
Floaters just won't live in my tank...its probably a mixture of things that contribute to their death. Its hooded, I have a good amount of surface agitation and my water is hard...
Floaters just won't live in my tank...its probably a mixture of things that contribute to their death. Its hooded, I have a good amount of surface agitation and my water is hard...
Me too... I've tried floaters twice... They slowly die out
I honestly don't know.
These frogbit were almost gone until they suddenly took off.
I do have this to reduce water flow:
I made some changes to the gourami walstad.
Hornworm grew way too fast to keep up with, so I decided to remove it all. Added two pieces of Congo wood, some ludwegia super red, Christmas moss, and some crypt wendtii red.
I'm liking how it's looking.

Dry start tank is going well is well.
The plants are melting and switching to submerged growth.

It would be nice if you did a little post on the process you use to get your plants growing so well. I believe I have been at it longer but never got the results you have.

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