5 Gallon Tank - Ideas Please Guys! :)


Fish Crazy
Dec 16, 2010
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Hey everyone! Jeez I havent posted in an age!! Since I last posted I have moved to uni and left my beloved big aquarium in the tender care of my parents ... hmm! So in the meantime I decided today (on a complete whim) to get a little 5 gallon and see what I can do with it! I used to have some little dwarf puffers and I LOVED them, is this feasible for a 5 gallon? Any other ideas would be great guys!! 
Also, having not cyled a tank for like 6 years I have no clue what I'm doing! I did a fish in cycle previously (thats pretty much all I remember :p ) but if I want dwarf puffers i cant use them for the fish in cycle ... so what would I use!? 
Thanks in advance!!! :)
:hi: back to the forum.
Dwarf Puffers are so cute! I was going to get one for my 9G but I fell in love with a Betta before the order could come.
One thing to think about with the DPs, is if you are able to provide live food for yours? Snails are best, but do you have room for a snail breeding tank?
Make sure you do a fishless cycle (following the link Ninjouzata has linked you to - also found in my signature), as it is much kinder for the fish, it also takes less time and you don't have to worry about having to rehome the cycling fish after :)
I agree with Ninj about having only one puffer, as the tank would be too small for two, and one would probably end up dead :/
For other options for what to put in your tank, read THIS.
Thanks for the replies guys! Dwarf puffers are adorable, I was totally in love with the last 2 I had! Okay so I spoke to my parents about my first ever tank ... turns out we just put the chemicals in it for 3 days that pets at home told us to ... and bob's your uncle we put fish in it. So I've never cycled! D: since then all my tanks have been seeded with the filter from that one, and I've never really had any problems! (apart from when my heater malfunctioned and boiled ALL my fish :( 
So i'm feeling clueless, going to read that link that you have put in your reply ... what stuff shall i buy!? As in like testing stuff and amonia?! Cor I've been keeping fish for 9 years, without cycling!!! :p 
Cheers guys x
Tanks do cycle on their own, it is just a lot more risky and stressful for your fish. So, your tank probably did end up cycled, your fish were probably just very stressed in the process!
A good test kit that most people use, is the API Freshwater Master Test Kit, which tests for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH and high range pH.
Not sure where to buy ammonia from, but I think homebase sells it?
I made a post for Nano Tanks, in the Nano tanks thread. Look there for all the info I have to give :] 
Also you might want to PM a moderator, since this should reeeally be in the Nano Tank section...but that's an easy mistake, it is new after all!
Tek oot.
Yep, I made a post on the nano section too lol!
Thanks :)

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