5.5 Gal Tank


New Member
Feb 29, 2012
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I have a 5.5 gal tank was wondering if I'd be overstocking with 3 guppies, rainbow fish and 1 snail? If I was careful with the water quality would I have an issue?
Thank you
i am guessing that rainbow fish are a tetra? anyways i dont think you are over stocking as long as you clean the tank maybe every 2 or less weeks (depending on the food ammount, the snails aren't that amazing :lol: ) i dont believe in the 1 inch of fish/ gallon for tropicals; it really depends on the owner, you know? but yeah if something goes wrong test the water and you can limit the fish.

hope i helped :)
A rainbow is a rainbow, not something else like a tetra. They have a body shape that looks like a rugby ball, an American football, when viewed from the side but they are very skinny viewed from in front or from above. An apple snail is estimated to require 2 gallons by snail breeders. The 3 guppies and the rainbow are sharing the rest of the biological capacity. It can be done if you do frequent enough and large enough water changes but be aware that you will be heavily stocked.
An apple snail is estimated to require 2 gallons by snail breeders. The 3 guppies and the rainbow are sharing the rest of the biological capacity. It can be done if you do frequent enough and large enough water changes but be aware that you will be heavily stocked.

thank you, how frequent should my water changes be more or less than once a week? Normally I do 1/3 water change weekly sometimes biweekly.
Just thinking I know their are several types of rainbows was wondering what species it was its mostly blue with yellow
Wait a second has anyone recognized yet that rainbows will grow 4 inches or something like that and are too big for a 5.5 gallon tank? IMO guppies are also too big.
I would leave out the what sounds like a Boesemani Rainbow. They do get to about five inches. The guppies should be fine.

now that i think of it i agree. i would leave out the snail if i were you- mine is useless... :rolleyes: . and an all guppy tank would be pretty :hyper:
IMO guppies are still too small for a 5.5 gal because it's suggested that 10 is the minimum but you might be able to get away with it.
IMO guppies are still too small for a 5.5 gal because it's suggested that 10 is the minimum but you might be able to get away with it.

i have kept about 3 guppies, 2 (?) platies and a female betta happily living in my 5 gallon. all the fish were fish and healthy.

*i have been wondering what IMO means.... ?*
If there were enough hiding places inside of the tank, a few fry might survive. But in a tank that small, I'd say that there wouldn't be many survivors. :good:

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