35G Stocking!


New Member
Feb 5, 2013
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Hey guys recently got a tank and it's been cycled!
Just wondering what fish I could keep with a ph of 6. Other people have said I will have no trouble keeping Dwarf Gourami, Neon Tetras and Panda Corys. Any other peaceful community fish that would thrive in a ph level of 6?
Thanks in advance!
It would be quicker to tell you what wouldn't be ok!
Livebearers (guppies, platies, mollies, swordtails, endlers are the most common) don't do well in a low pH, likewise Rift Valley Cichlids.
As lock_man says, A BUNCH!
tetras, barbs, South American cichlids, rasboras/danios...
What fish do you like?  More than likely, the fish you name will do quite well at that pH.
Im thinking of having just a peaceful community tank
1x Dwarf Gourami
8x Neon Tetra
6x Leopard Danio
4x Panda Cory
2x Oto
Would those be suitable to my ph?
They would be suitable, but cories and otos prefer to be in groups of at least 6.
They'd be fine in the pH.
However, there are a couple of issues.
Cories need to be in a group of minimum 6. Not sure about the otos as well, I think they'd prefer a bigger group, but someone else may want to correct me if applicable.
Leopard Danios - hmmm. This species is more of a temperate species, it wants its water a fair bit cooler than the others. Also, because they live in cool, fast moving mountain streams, they are the Usain Bolt of the fish world, and in order to really be comfortable, I recommend them in a larger tank than would be obvious from their size, 4' as an absolute minimum. And in smaller tanks, they can get a bit feisty as well.
And without knowing what size tank you have, I can't be certain that you're not overstocking yourself.
I don't see any compatibility issues, though, other than the Danio thing above.
EDIT: OK, so the clue to the tank size is in the thread title.... *facepalm*
I definitely suggest a no to the Leopard Danios. You could substitute in a group of 6 Celestial Pearl Danios.
the_lock_man said:
They'd be fine in the pH.
However, there are a couple of issues.
Cories need to be in a group of minimum 6. Not sure about the otos as well, I think they'd prefer a bigger group, but someone else may want to correct me if applicable.
Leopard Danios - hmmm. This species is more of a temperate species, it wants its water a fair bit cooler than the others. Also, because they live in cool, fast moving mountain streams, they are the Usain Bolt of the fish world, and in order to really be comfortable, I recommend them in a larger tank than would be obvious from their size, 4' as an absolute minimum. And in smaller tanks, they can get a bit feisty as well.
And without knowing what size tank you have, I can't be certain that you're not overstocking yourself.
I don't see any compatibility issues, though, other than the Danio thing above.
EDIT: OK, so the clue to the tank size is in the thread title.... *facepalm*
I definitely suggest a no to the Leopard Danios. You could substitute in a group of 6 Celestial Pearl Danios.
LMAO yeah tanks 35 or 36 gallon, I'm not sure which one it is though. I guess I'll bump up the Cories to 6! Could I have 3 Panda Cories and 3 of another type? Or do they have to be the same?

Thanks for everyone whos replied, its been really helpful!
They will act better in groups of 6 than in groups of 3.  That said, I lost all but 3 of my original panda stocking, and they bred up to 10 now.
A nice pair of Dwarf Cichlids would be great.
Tek oot.
chilledaz said:
They'd be fine in the pH.
However, there are a couple of issues.
Cories need to be in a group of minimum 6. Not sure about the otos as well, I think they'd prefer a bigger group, but someone else may want to correct me if applicable.
Leopard Danios - hmmm. This species is more of a temperate species, it wants its water a fair bit cooler than the others. Also, because they live in cool, fast moving mountain streams, they are the Usain Bolt of the fish world, and in order to really be comfortable, I recommend them in a larger tank than would be obvious from their size, 4' as an absolute minimum. And in smaller tanks, they can get a bit feisty as well.
And without knowing what size tank you have, I can't be certain that you're not overstocking yourself.
I don't see any compatibility issues, though, other than the Danio thing above.
EDIT: OK, so the clue to the tank size is in the thread title.... *facepalm*
I definitely suggest a no to the Leopard Danios. You could substitute in a group of 6 Celestial Pearl Danios.
LMAO yeah tanks 35 or 36 gallon, I'm not sure which one it is though. I guess I'll bump up the Cories to 6! Could I have 3 Panda Cories and 3 of another type? Or do they have to be the same?

Thanks for everyone whos replied, its been really helpful!
Generally, the fish can tell the difference, even where the species look very similar. I would advise 6 of the same species.
No only the larger cichlids like to eat them, I have two agasizzi in my tank and they are my pride and joy.
No only the larger cichlids like to eat them, I have two agasizzi in my tank and they are my pride and joy.
I think I'm gona go with either a dwarf gourami or a pearl gourami as my centerpiece fish because I love the way they look!
So now I think my stock will be
1x dwarf/pearl gourami
8x neon tetra
6x celestial pearl danio
6x panda cories
2? Otos (if someone can clarify how much should be together that would be great)
6+ is the normal number for otos, with 3 as the absolute minimum.
Good selection.

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