350L 28C Stocking Ideas


Fish Crazy
Sep 2, 2009
Reaction score
Falkirk, Scotland
I'll be getting a new 350l tank soon to re-home my 9 L333's since I've gave up trying to get them to breed. Never had a tank this big so not got a clue on what to put in there with them.
Due to the L333's temp will be about 28C PH6/6.5(will depend on how much wood etc) so this rules out a lot of fish
I've been down the angelfish route so don't want to go there again.
I'm open to any idea's of big or small fish or a mix, Just give me some food for thought please. 
German Blue Rams, rummynose tetras, sterbia corydoras all can handle those temps and pH.
Id get rummy noses for my 55 gallon if i didnt have a little fire eel in there haha
Discus have never really interested me neither have rummy nose. I've had a ponder but still not sure and came up with this
L333 x 9
Rainbow shark x 1 = Feature fish I thought
Siamese Algae Eater x 1 = again active fish
Glowlight tetra x 16? = 
Unsure of because they can sometimes look a bit plain
Cardinal tetra x 16 = Nice colours for a shoal
Long fin danio x 10 = some upper level activity 
Gold gourami x1? = Can be aggressive apparently so don't really want that

Pearl gourami x 2 =  Again kind of feature fish
Female betta x 5? Just for a bit of random colour but again some reports of 

Any thoughts on this?
Im not sure you can fit that much into a 90 gallon, especially with 9 L333 giving large amounts of bioload their tiny but still plecos, and the Siamese algae eater gets pretty big (will end up being your focal point) not sure why you want this fish, although it doesnt have a fish to suck on for slime-coat. I dont think the 5 female bettas would be a good idea even though its so big.

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