30G Paludarium


Fish Connoisseur
Jan 6, 2009
Reaction score
Norfolk, England
What could go in a paludarium about 30g havent got the tank yet but im looking for one about that size. i know of the common things like fire bellied newts and poison dart frogs but is there anythink else that isnt to hard to get hold of? how many could i have? how much water and land would they need?
thanks :]
Have a look around your local shops and see if there is anything available; whilst a lot of things are easy to get hold of for most people they may not be able to get them in your area.

I think it's recommended 2 fire bellied newts (chinese) for 10 gallons (Japanese fire bellies are larger); personally I have 3 chinese fire bellied newts in a 10 gallon but one of them is terrestrial so he doesn't venture into the water (I have a floating turtle dock and a little dish for him to sit in).
a pauldrium with 4 chinese fire bellied newts,6 mountain minnows and maybe 5 crystal red shrimp would look good,but healthy fire bellied newts only go on land occasionaly or if theyre still in the juvenile stage so you would probbably get a more land&water harmony if you went with poison dart frogs.But it's youre choice :good:

chris :hyper:
i found out a few more that im looking at its between
fire bellied newts, fire bellied toads, mossy frogs, dart frogs and red eyed tree frogs. ill have to get a tall tank for the mossy and tree frogs and if i go for the PDF i wont be able to have fish because they dont like to much water. atm i think im between the mossy frogs and the fire bellied newts will just have to see what size tanks i can find. :]
if you want info on the different frogs and newts for what you can get go on caudata (link in my footer) as it's a site dedicated to newts/salamanders and frogs. I find it really useful.

EDIT: I had RCS with my newts and the newts weren't too impressed with it.

I have no experience with frogs/toads but people have said that they wiggle food in front of a frog and it doesn't notice it's there; of my newts; the two aquatic ones are no problem; the terrestrial one needs hand feeding (I don't mind doing it) - but either way you have to be prepared to sit a while and feed them if you need to.

I like the look of Fire Bellied Toads. But I LOVE newts; there are so many different species out there; but for me I love their toes and their arms; if they fall off something (a plant), then they waft their little arms around in front of them like humans do; they are so funny. Plus with my three; they all have completely different personalities. They like to play "follow my finger around the tank". They are so much more interesting than fish (I didn't just say that on a fish forum lol) as they have arms, legs and toes and they are really cute.
i got a tank its only 22g but i got it for £15 never used with filter, heater and light so not to bad. its 70 by 30 by 37cm.its going to be half land and half water with a load of wood going up the back wall of the tank and im going to make a small waterfall to go in there.

if you want info on the different frogs and newts for what you can get go on caudata (link in my footer) as it's a site dedicated to newts/salamanders and frogs. I find it really useful.

EDIT: I had RCS with my newts and the newts weren't too impressed with it.

I have no experience with frogs/toads but people have said that they wiggle food in front of a frog and it doesn't notice it's there; of my newts; the two aquatic ones are no problem; the terrestrial one needs hand feeding (I don't mind doing it) - but either way you have to be prepared to sit a while and feed them if you need to.

I like the look of Fire Bellied Toads. But I LOVE newts; there are so many different species out there; but for me I love their toes and their arms; if they fall off something (a plant), then they waft their little arms around in front of them like humans do; they are so funny. Plus with my three; they all have completely different personalities. They like to play "follow my finger around the tank". They are so much more interesting than fish (I didn't just say that on a fish forum lol) as they have arms, legs and toes and they are really cute.
lol ill have a look round now. its looking like its going to be fire bellied newts or toads because tree and mossy frogs need taller tanks and PDF are about £100 which imo is to much for a first go with frogs.
atm its looking like fire bellied newts will be best. i just have a few more Qs
1) what substances are best? is sand ok?
2) can you keep fish with them?
3) how poisonous are they?
1) what substances are best? is sand ok?

I use gravel, use whatever substance you want; just make sure it is too big to fit in their mouths; they can be fiesty when eating.

2) can you keep fish with them?

I think you can keep white cloud minnows with them but I'm not sure. I don't keep anything with mine. Basically the newts are coldwater so anything cold water; BUT be careful the newt wouldn't eat the fish...

3) how poisonous are they?

To touch or to put your hand in the tank, nul - just wash your hands afterwards and don't drink their water etc...If you lick or eat one then very poisonous (not that I can say you'd buy one to lick or eat).

Caudata (in my footer) has a lot of caresheets and info on the newts; but feel free to ask away :).

The newt in my avatar picture if you can see if is my male fire bellied newt. He is terrestrial and likes to be rescued when he "falls" in the deep water.

Just make sure if you get more than one they are all the same species of "fire bellied newt" - lots of newts are mis-labelled. Mine are chinese fire bellied newts.
just how poisinouse do you mean by very. like make you very iull or kill you? its just i have a 5 year old bro and if he puts his hand in the tank then in his mouth i dont really want him to die lol

what type is best? is there any diffrences in how you care for them?

what ratio should you keep on sexes?

thanks for the help. sorry about all the Qs
Poisonous as in kill you.

Make sure you have a tight fitting lid so there are no escapees.

The type you like the look of is best. There are some differences as far as I am aware some like land mass, some don't. Chinese fire bellies are said not to like land mass but I have a floating turtle dock as occasionally they do come out the water (plus one of mine is terrestrial so he needs it).

I dont think there is a ratio on sexes as such; obviously 1 male to 10 females may result in a lot of babies. I have 1 male and 2 females; but it was pure luck I got them that way; I didn't plan it. My male is terrestrial and my 2 females aquatic. It can be quite difficult to sex them. Chinese ones are fairly chilled out and don't mind company; Japanese ones are slightly more fiesty and can hurt each other during a fight or an accidental grab of food. Also females are said to be more fiesty than males. My two are fine however.
aaah thats a shame i dout my mum will let me have the then. she wouldnt let me get a snake because of my bro and tyhat was just a royal python that arnt poisnouse so i think ill have to look for somethink else. sorry to waste your time.
Not a waste of time, some useful info in this thread that lurkers like me have been reading :)
Are fire bellied toads less poisnouse?

I don't know, but I'd imagine so.

Depending on how large a tank you could get you could always get something like a tiger salamander (I think they get to about 12" long - I dont know much about them but if you are interested www.caudata.org will have lots of information about them).

EDIT: There would always be the option of dwarf frogs or something too.

I should also say I "think" the newts are deadly; can't say I've heard of any deaths from them but then I don't think anyone is stupid enough to try eating one.

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