Fish Fanatic
Hi all ,
My platy has just dropped her 4th lot of fry tonight
i only found 3 survivors but there were alot of dead fry floating around the top too they were all really clear and tiny some were even bent and looked a little deformed
the rest of her drops before this were all healthy when born and i had no fry die before this any one have any ideas what could have caused this drop to turn out like this ?
The only thing i can think of that is different to the other times is i recently removed the plastic plant she used to give birth in and the fry liked to hide there too could this habe anything to do with it ?
Thanks stefx
My platy has just dropped her 4th lot of fry tonight
The only thing i can think of that is different to the other times is i recently removed the plastic plant she used to give birth in and the fry liked to hide there too could this habe anything to do with it ?
Thanks stefx