So after having to move my Dwarf Gourami from that community from harassment (one particular serpae tetra didn't like him), I moved him into my 10 gallon tank with a german blue ram and rummynose tetras. So now my Dwarf Gourami has established his territory, and while he is not really bullying my german blue ram, he is definitely trying to start fights with him. He'll go up to him and peck on his body (obviously not hard as the GBR just sits there and takes it). But im worried that eventually it will escalate and one or the other will end up hurt. So I was thinking of moving my German Blue Ram into the 35 gallon community tank and buy him 2 females (or should I get 3 females and have 2 pairs going?) Here is the current stats on my 35 gallon:
8 serpae tetras
2 gold dust lyretail mollies
1 powder blue dwarf gourami
(and I plan on getting some sort of bottom feeder like a small pleco or catfish)
8 serpae tetras
2 gold dust lyretail mollies
1 powder blue dwarf gourami
(and I plan on getting some sort of bottom feeder like a small pleco or catfish)