2Ft Outdoor Tank


Fish Herder
Mar 14, 2009
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Home to 4 goldies, 1x Ryukin, 1x Fantail & 2x Orandas

Could never get a pic as normally it doesnt have a light, but due to a recent pull down i have a spare single 2ft T8, tis not the brightest, but helps to get pics lol
Beautiful. Is that Boofer? It doesn't quite look like him to me but I was just wondering :) Is it a mix of real and fake plants or?
Is that a 4x4x4 lol just saw one at my LFS today.
Nin- yep thats Boofer :) Mostly real plants with the odd fake i found in the shed :)
saw - 2x2x2 the tank is, approx 60gal
That big Goldie looks lil cramped. :/
Beautiful tank though. :)
Cramped?? I dont think so lol
He's almost half the length of the tank. :lol:
Is he full grown yet?
The tank is 60gallons, i am positive he's not cramped!!
He is nearly 1ft long and may grow a bit more. The tank is plenty big enough for him
Alasse said:
The tank is 60gallons, i am positive he's not cramped!!
He is nearly 1ft long and may grow a bit more. The tank is plenty big enough for him
True enough that the volume is plenty, a 2 foot tank for a goldfish is not enough IMO.
Your opinion may be alternate though. It is not my place to say whether the fish is happy or not.
TallTree01 said:
The tank is 60gallons, i am positive he's not cramped!!
He is nearly 1ft long and may grow a bit more. The tank is plenty big enough for him
True enough that the volume is plenty, a 2 foot tank for a goldfish is not enough IMO.
Your opinion may be alternate though. It is not my place to say whether the fish is happy or not.
Well thats your opinion and you are entitled to it. I dont agree though
I watch him calmly swim around, he is happier in this tank than the 50 gal 3ft he was in, this cube gives him far more opportunity to swim and turn properly. He has thrived since being put it here
Ryan10 said:
Very nice.  I like the set up a lot.
Thanks Ryan :)
Alasse said:
Nin- yep thats Boofer
Mostly real plants with the odd fake i found in the shed

saw - 2x2x2 the tank is, approx 60gal
Ooh he is even more handsome than last pics I saw :wub: Seems to have more of a golden sheen now, did I miss that before or is it recent? Do they nibble on the plants a lot?
Ninjouzata said:
Nin- yep thats Boofer
Mostly real plants with the odd fake i found in the shed

saw - 2x2x2 the tank is, approx 60gal
Ooh he is even more handsome than last pics I saw
Seems to have more of a golden sheen now, did I miss that before or is it recent? Do they nibble on the plants a lot?
Since being in here he's really turned on the beauty lol The gold sheen i think is the lighting, but i generally dont have a light on the tank, will have to check him out better tomorrow.

They dont touch the plants at all :)
I fully cleaned out Boofers tank today, it was feral lol
The only décor in it now is a fake fern and a few rocks around the base. I will be getting some more Val to put back in here along with some Elodea. Once I have the live plants the fake fern will be taken out, and the plants put in the centre so Boof can swim the complete outside of the tank if he wants.
He also now has this tank to himself. I seriously thought about rehoming him, but unless I can see the tank/pond he's going into, it wont be happening.

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