I just finished a fish-less cycle in my 29 gallon. Last night I bought 5 danio GloFish and 6 zebra Danios. So I have a total of about 16 inches worth of fish when they're fully grown. I also want to have a few Guppy's or something a little bigger with some nice color.
I need suggestions for a few colorful additions to go with with Danios and also is there any small bottom eaters that will help keep my sand clean ?
Also my son wants a mystery snail and ive read that they like cucumbers and romaine lettuce to eat is this right ? And will it hurt my other Danios ?
I also read that they need calcium added to the water. How do i do this easily and safely ?
My water stats are
Ph 7.6
Amm 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate around 5 ( just did a 90 percent change yesterday to fix nitrates after fish-less cycle)
tested with api test kit
tested with strips GH around 180 PPM and KH around 120PPM
Oh and Happy New Year
I need suggestions for a few colorful additions to go with with Danios and also is there any small bottom eaters that will help keep my sand clean ?
Also my son wants a mystery snail and ive read that they like cucumbers and romaine lettuce to eat is this right ? And will it hurt my other Danios ?
I also read that they need calcium added to the water. How do i do this easily and safely ?
My water stats are
Ph 7.6
Amm 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate around 5 ( just did a 90 percent change yesterday to fix nitrates after fish-less cycle)
tested with api test kit
tested with strips GH around 180 PPM and KH around 120PPM
Oh and Happy New Year