This is my tank right now. I just got my order of slate rock and I till have a ton left over@_@ I didn't get many big pieces sadly ;-; so mine can't be super grand but idk where to put the rest. Worked hard to get that one up. I could extend it to the left and add another 'arch' I suppose that goes in front of the filter (not up against it) but I don't know if blocking my filter like that would be a good idea.
I have an order of plants coming in (thursday or friday) and I kind of want to make the corner area behind the driftwood a little 'jungle' area. I don't know.. thats my first question, what do you guys think I should do?
Secondly.... stocking.
I originally wanted a 55g+ but I can't go above 40g in this apartment complex (no matter what floor lvl) so I settled on a 20g long. Which means no pictus catfish (though I wish...) I still want bottom dwellers though... and even though Zebra Plecos are my second favorite (who doesn't love them?) they are WAY too expensive to actually have them shipped to me and I don't even know how they'd fair in my high pH and hard water enviroment. I thought about Bristlenose Plecos but... I think they might get a 'bit' to big. So now I guess that just leaves me with cories?
I'm limited to what Petsmart has, so nothing 'out-there' because Petsmart sucks and probably wont have it and I do not have the money to order fish.
I'm gong through the nitrogen cycle atm with ammonia because Seachem's bateria-in-a-bottle didn't work worth a ****. Oh well, that's life. So I have time to decide on fish. I want something on all 3 levels.