200L To 260L

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Wolf Overlord
Nov 9, 2012
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So my friend is trying to sell me another tank, Which is 260L
Now my tanks a 200L fluval and well I would love another 60L of space. He's willing to take my old tank part exchange as well.
My stock is in my sig, Any ideas what I could add stock wise to a 260l?
Also it depends if steveo can edit my order XD
to be honest, another 60L doesnt seem worth it to me when you consider the hassle of swapping tanks....
if your going to go bigger....go HUGE!!!
Mikey1 said:
to be honest, another 60L doesnt seem worth it to me when you consider the hassle of swapping tanks....
if your going to go bigger....go HUGE!!!
Hafta say I agree. Is a extra 60L worth the agro. Your hardly notice the extra space.
I saw the tank and yes I notice a extra 60 litres of water. Due to my floor being wood I can only stress my flooring taking up to 300l before snapping. So an extra 60l sounds ideal to me. Means I can increase my angels and get a breeding pair and also add more plants/rocks.
Seems legit, you're only saying go bigger SLIM because you has a 600L, Jelly :p
There's a whole smaller tank size of a difference! It really depends what what you want in your tank, maybe get a friend for your angel, and i would recommend cories, but that's just bc I love them :)
No cories >:C They are barred from my tank. But I do like the idea of a breeding pair of angels.
techen said:
No cories >:C They are barred from my tank. But I do like the idea of a breeding pair of angels.
okay okay :rolleyes: with that much room you could just have your statement pair of angels, the emperors and another good sized school of harlequins or something. Or do something different.... I have 4 new bolivians and i absolutely love them, theyre so interesting to watch, and they stay mostly at the bottom of the tank... you don't really have any bottom fish. And they don't act like other bottom feeders at all, seems how you have an aversion to cories ;)
I wanted to go Hairgrass as a base giving corys a lack of ground space to move about in.
That's right! I remember you saying that now. so you do like cories lol. Im excited to see this new tank, the thought of having a full carpet of hg like that sounds pretty awesome. Ive really been waiting for my hydro to take off but Ive had to move it around a couple times and it just doesnt seem to like that too much :/
Course I like corys, I had 8 before but a few got infections and it annoyed me silly. You need some really high powered lights and CO2 infections to get a carpet like that though, which I have :B
techen said:
Seems legit, you're only saying go bigger SLIM because you has a 600L, Jelly :p

How big is your current angel? Whats your plan to find him/her a mate?
I'd have to remove my angel and find a proven pair. Putting another angel in with him would be terrible and wouldn't end well.

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