20 Gallon Stocking


New Member
Mar 2, 2014
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I will need to change how my aquarium is stocked soon and i was hoping that you guys could help me with some appropriate stocking. I have sand with a Marineland Penguin BioWheel150 and a thermometer and heater and an airstone with a bubbler. I was ignorant about the stocking at first and my tank has a pictus 4 rainbow shark 3 tiger barbs and a bumblebee cat(smaller variety). Freshwater and my pH is about 7.4
Im currently setting up a 20 gallon too :) what PH is your water im waiting to see how well i can regulate mine before deciding what fish to add :)
Any particular type of fish you like? From that stocking it sounds like aggressive (nothing wrong with that in the right tank) but perhaps there are some other traits you can give?
It's also a good idea to go to your LFS and write down all the fish you like, then come back here and someone can tell you what would be compatible.
Id rehome the pictus cat they prefer groups and a 55 gallon plus size tank, but im not very good with stocking those type of fish sorry :( more of a oddball person when it comes to me knowing anything about fish haha.
Is it a 20 high or a 20 long?
The difference in height and length will.affect stocking options.
Never had a bumble bee cat. But most of the others should be rehomed to larger tanks.
Tiger barbs do better in larger groups, and with deeper tanks.
In all honesty, I'd rehome all of the fish you have right now.
The only ones that can fit in a tank that size is the tiger barbs ( and maybe the bumblebee catfish. I'm not sure ).
If you decide to keep the tiger barbs you'll want a big school so they don't kill each other. By the time you get about 12 tigerbarbs you won't have a whole lot of room left for alternate stocking. Even then, you'll have to make sure the other fish are hardy enough to coexist with the tiger barbs.
*Edit* Nevermind. I sound dumb at 4 am. :p

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