I'm new to the hobby so I need help,
I'm planning to get a 20 gallon fish tank, I'm also wanting to set up a community freshwater tank. These are fishes I'm planning to keep:
8x (Neon) tetras
6x Red cherry shrimp
3x Guppy
1x Dwarf Gourami
According to aqadvisor:
The temperature, ph and hardness range are all suitable
Stocking level = 61%
Water change = 22% per week
According to AqAdvisor, my 20 gallon fish tank isn't overstocked although I'm willing to do the weekly water change.
The gallon will be filtered with a decent filter and will also get an air pump too.
Does it all seem fine?
If it needs improving please post down any stocking advices,
I'm new to the hobby so I need help,
I'm planning to get a 20 gallon fish tank, I'm also wanting to set up a community freshwater tank. These are fishes I'm planning to keep:
8x (Neon) tetras
6x Red cherry shrimp
3x Guppy
1x Dwarf Gourami
According to aqadvisor:
The temperature, ph and hardness range are all suitable
Stocking level = 61%
Water change = 22% per week
According to AqAdvisor, my 20 gallon fish tank isn't overstocked although I'm willing to do the weekly water change.
The gallon will be filtered with a decent filter and will also get an air pump too.
Does it all seem fine?
If it needs improving please post down any stocking advices,