20 Gallon Stocking Help..


New Member
May 12, 2013
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I'm new to the hobby so I need help,
I'm planning to get a 20 gallon fish tank, I'm also wanting to set up a community freshwater tank. These are fishes I'm planning to keep:

8x (Neon) tetras
6x Red cherry shrimp
3x Guppy
1x Dwarf Gourami

According to aqadvisor:
The temperature, ph and hardness range are all suitable
Stocking level = 61%
Water change = 22% per week 
According to AqAdvisor, my 20 gallon fish tank isn't overstocked although I'm willing to do the weekly water change.

The gallon will be filtered with a decent filter and will also get an air pump too.

Does it all seem fine?

If it needs improving please post down any stocking advices,
How do you plan on cycling your tank?

What are your tap water parameters?

I would not go with the neons, they are extremely sensitive and usually won't survive in a new tank. Instead, try getting eight of the cardinal tetras. You might find them more suitable.

I'm not positive, but I think the shrimp require a more established tank too.
attibones said:
I would not go with the neons, they are extremely sensitive and usually won't survive in a new tank. Instead, try getting eight of the cardinal tetras. You might find them more suitable.
I actually had the experience that my neons survived very well in a new tank...I made the common mistake of not cycling it, though :/ but really they survived better than the other fish.  But maybe I'm just lucky.
Your stocking looks fine.  I'd say you could even add a couple Cory catfish or other fish if you want them - the bottom feeding fish would round out the swimming levels nicely.  But keep in mind that ideally Corys need a shoal of 6 or more, so you might not have the room to keep them.

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