20 Gallon Puffer Tank.


Fish Addict
Oct 25, 2010
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Hey all, soon to be re-transforming my 20 gallon tall tank into a heavily planted co2 tank! Want to get back into puffers as well so was wondering what species im looking at....

obviously there's always the dwarf Indian puffer which im well versed with..but im looking for something that grows a tad larger...but is still manageable in my 20 gallon..

Possibly the common named Avocado puffer? (does it get too big being 4" max?)

And im pretty sure amazon puffers are out of the equation with a tank my size... (being they prefer groups)

Any input would be great!
i used to keep a few puffers and had a Abei Puffer in a 20 gallon ,i think the recommended tank size is actually 25 gallons but a 20 would be fine they get to about 4" and is a true fresh water puffer :)
i used to keep a few puffers and had a Abei Puffer in a 20 gallon ,i think the recommended tank size is actually 25 gallons but a 20 would be fine they get to about 4" and is a true fresh water puffer :)

Wow thats a nice looking puffer! Really has the "true pufferfish look" versus the avocado! How often was he out? and also since i plan to make this a heavy planted high tech set up...will harsh lighting (t5 bulbs) affect him in anyway? Im sure the plants will make shade, but never hurts to ask!
mine was very active my i was near the tank, bright lights didn't bother him, very cool fish to own had a huge appetite and absolutely no tank mates, it will anything else that is in there, even bit me a couple of times, made water changes fun :)

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