2 Q's On Bamboo Shrimp And Apple Snails


Fish Gatherer
Sep 1, 2011
Reaction score
Hello! Quick fire round!

Question number one - I have three apple snails in my tank, one a bit larger than the other two. There's one of the smaller ones that hangs around with the bigger one pretty much all the time. They often climb over each other. Does this mean anything?

Question number two - In the last few days I've seen my bamboo shrimp sifting through the sand, looking for food, which I've read means he isn't getting enough. Been trying to do some research but can't find any answers. I've tried squirting crushed up flake in his direction before but he never seems interested, so maybe I'm not crushing it up enough. Other methods suggested are frozen plankton and growing infusoria. Are these suitable for bamboo shrimp and/or are there any other options?
I do. Since I rescaped last week he's actually able to sit right in front of the filter outflow, which is what he's doing right at this minute. He was sifting for several hours last night though, and it's the first time I've seen him do it in many months.
Answe to question 1 is that it sounds like they're breeding. Mine are always breeding and always glued to each other.

Question 2
Have you tried to put flake down a drinking straw directing into his position? McDonalds straws are good for this as its easy to join two by putting one end inside the other if they're deeper tanks.

Also, I know nothing about bamboo shrimp but do they not eat algae wafers too?

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