2 Pairs Of Apistogramma


Fish Crazy
Jan 29, 2012
Reaction score
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
I ordered two pairs of Apistogramma cacatuoides off of Aquabids last week, before I realized why it might not be a good idea. They've been in the tank several days now, and they have gotten less shy. The 2 males are starting to show aggression towards each other. Since I can't ship one back to Hawaii, what should I do to help keep the aggression down?
Shipping cost enough one way, I don't want to ship again... lol
If I provide several more caves, and block line of sight with plants, will the 2 pairs keep to themselves?
Though i havent kept apistos id suggest doing as your post above says as cant hurt. How big is your tank? From researching you can have two pairs in a larger tank (i think around 4ft).
If they have there own caves and space then you may fond once they've ascertained dominance they may settle. Then again, it could end up a fight to the death!!
Do they both have females or are they mated pairs? Females can and generally are the source of most disputes!!! Lol. Although id say money, or more to the point lack of which hits the number one spot!!! .
Jope all works out ok for you.
Tank is 56 gallons, but on the taller end, just around 3 feet long. It's just two males and two females, I'm not sure whether they are mated. I'm in college, so most of my money goes towards rent and tuition, but I can afford a few more plants I think :lol:

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