Newest scape, a work in progress, needs more plants yet.
Filtration: AquaOne canister
Heater: 150W
Lighting: 2x 2ft T5HO
Substrate: Eco-Complete
Wood: Manzanita
Rocks: Unknown (looks a bit like Bluestone)
Plants: Various Anubias, Crypts and Hairgrass
Future Stock: Pair of angels, blue ram and a common BN

Tank is currently cycling
Filtration: AquaOne canister
Heater: 150W
Lighting: 2x 2ft T5HO
Substrate: Eco-Complete
Wood: Manzanita
Rocks: Unknown (looks a bit like Bluestone)
Plants: Various Anubias, Crypts and Hairgrass
Future Stock: Pair of angels, blue ram and a common BN

Tank is currently cycling