150Gal Oscar Tank


Jun 11, 2013
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So I just upgraded my grandmother's Oscar tank to a 150gal. But she wants to add some other fish with the Oscars. Is there anything I can add with them? I had heard that barb tigers would be fine but I still think the Oscars might eat them. I have also heard that red parrot fish are fine with Oscars. Any idea on what fish I can add with them or is it a definite no. They are 2 Oscars. One of then is 4 inches and the other one almost 6 inches.
Hi this sounds like a good tank :) 150g is the recommended size for 2 Oscars so your on good terms there :)
As for adding fish it all depends on the Oscars - and what you and your Gran like :) Any suggestions so far?
I wouldnt go for the Tigers I think they are a bit small for Oscar tank mates - big Rainbow Fish are a good choice and so are Silver Dollars
Well, my grandma wanted some bright fish. So probably the rainbow fish are a better idea.  I don't want to ask her, I would prefer to surprise her with the new fish, I know it would make her excited. But yeah, I won't put the tigers, I don't want them to turn into food. thanks for the advice!!!!
Big catfish are a good option with Oscars as well like Lima Shovel Noses and Jaguar Catfish. Ornate Pictus Catfish would work as well.
Wills said:
Big catfish are a good option with Oscars as well like Lima Shovel Noses and Jaguar Catfish. Ornate Pictus Catfish would work as well.
+1, except for the shovelnose, they get REALLY big, a bit too big even for 150 gallons.
I'd go for a jaguar catfish or a sailfin plec plus a small group of six silver dollars.
I do like the silver dollars but i know for sure that my grandmother is not a big fan of them.
Zante said:
+1, except for the shovelnose, they get REALLY big, a bit too big even for 150 gallons.
I would quite happily keep a Lima Shovelnose in a 150? Presuming its a 5x2x2 - are you thinking of the giant Tigers? Limas are quite comparable in size and activity to the Sailfin Plec you mentioned IME?
If Silver Dollars are not on the list what about the Spotty Silver Dollars?
I think she may like the spotty silver dollar. Thanks everyone for the advice!
Fancy that... I didn't know about the spotted version... you never finish learning...
There are loads of silver dollars around now :) one with a black stripe through the side one with 3 black stripes one with a big black patch on its side - then you get the red hooks and the big eyed one as well. I reckon if someone line bred them you would end up with black dollars which would be pretty sweet!
In a 500 gallon tank I would still have LOADS of small fish.
30 discus, 100 rummynoses, 100 sterbai corys, and so on... I just like to see loads of smaller fish.
Not to detract from larger fish, just explaining my lack of interest.
Well, I've decied to buy the spotty silver dollar. I am going to buy them on Monday. ^_^  And I like both large and small fish. I have mostly small fish except for the angels and the Oscars my grandma has.
I bought the spotty silver dollars and the oscars did not like it at all. I had to remove them becuase the oscrs wouldn't stop bothering them. So yeah....i guess the oscars like to have the tank to themselves.

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