15 Gallon Tank


Fish Fanatic
Aug 7, 2004
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With a setup of 24x12x12 currently holding 2 african clawed frogs and a red tail shark, I was looking to add more fish, namely a ghost knife fish.

Can anyone give me any recommendations & advice on whether the tank is big enough and so on?

I think its around 15 gallons, but Im not too sure
From researching, specimens can grow pretty large, but I was under the impression one would not outgrow the tank.
Tjimbsoj said:
From researching, specimens can grow pretty large, but I was under the impression one would not outgrow the tank.
This is sorta true :/ living in a small tank stunts the fish, damaging its internal organs causing swimming trouble, increased chance of disease and a premature painful death.

So I don't think it's a good idea. I would recommend you get a smaller fish but if your frogs are real clawed frogs rather than dwarf frogs they would probably eat small fish.
There certainly african clawed frogs with the lack of webbing on the front limbs and claws on their hind legs.

Can anyone recommend some possible fish which could live with these species?

The red tail shark is fine
We can only answer the best way for your success in the hobby. However, for the fish you wish to keep, you need larger tank
I gracefully except your point, do you feel 2 african clawed frogs can live happily within this size tank?

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