14 Gallon Biocube

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Well Im going to see what my lfs has in the morning. Ill keep you guys posted if I get any new corals.
Be careful on your corals. I'm sure you know by now that softies can fight LPS chemically within the same tank...more pronounced issues the smaller you go. SH
Adrinal I was planning on switching the pc's out every 6 months as to thats what i have been told from the LFS. I have also started working for my LFS because he is a solo guy on his own running his business. He takes care of about 80-100 tanks and we have become good friends so he offered me a part time job in the mornings to help clean the tanks in his store. I hope to learn a lot from this job because reef keeping is my new hobby. I only work 5 hours a week but I enjoyed helping him last week when I started. Also what kind of corals would you guys recommend and at least a year for an anemone? I was thinking about a torch coral, frog spawn, and polyps.

Yea badlandz I was wondering if I should change the timers to come on for 10 hours straight for the actinics and 8 hours for the daylights. I think your right about the corals doing a lot better with lighting setup continuously like in nature.

Thanks for the comments.
Awesome. LOL I just hired a guy who bought a 14g from me, lol. He works one morning a week as well :good: I'm sure you will learn a lot!
SH i didn't know about that. So what main type of corals should I be putting in mainly?...LPS or softies?...or if i do keep both should I just keep them spread out?
SH i didn't know about that. So what main type of corals should I be putting in mainly?...LPS or softies?...or if i do keep both should I just keep them spread out?

at your own rick, i have a very mixed reef with one large leather and a smaller kenya tree as softies, and i have lots of lps and sps, all that are doing great. But others have more problems than me
Well there hasn't been much change in my tank since my last post. I have been looking online at how people have been modifying there back compartments. I would like to get a protein skimmer in the back but don't know if that is possible. What are some options that I have concerning a protein skimmer?

My corals are doing okay. The leather on top is doing fine and same with the mushrooms. The leather on the left side of the tank has not opened in about 3-4 days. Should I try to move it due to maybe too much water flow? The frogspawn is still doing excellent and plan on getting another coral of some sort within the next 2 weeks. Space is limited in this small 14 gallon biocube haha.

Here are some pictures that I took today to keep you guys interested in my tank. Thanks.
Flash on FTS


Diamond Goby's Home


Shots of the frogspawn














Back Chambers (modify?)








Well I just did a 2 gallon weekly water change on my tank and was thinking about how I should really have a test kit for my tank. What are some of the best test kits out there?
Well today I was out of town all weekend and usually my mom watches my tank and feeds my fish while I am gone. Well I got back into town but since my parents are divorced I was spending time with my dad. My mom was also out of town and when she got back to the house she called me and said there was a power outage. I asked her to check on my aquarium and call me if anything was wrong. Sure enough the tank had been off for more than 5 hours! I hurried home to find most of my tank had crashed and the water was murky. My zebra turbo snailed had fallen off the back wall and landed upside down. It died and caused most of everything else to die. My shrimp died, and so did my diamond goby. My corals aren't doing so well right now. I quickly did a big water change about 4 gallons to lower the ammonia levels and the clowns are already starting to look a lot better. I added stress coat and stress zyme alone with tank clarifier to help out with unwanted parameters.

When my mom got home and called me nothing was running in the tank. She had to reset the GFCI protector on the wall. I think when the power came back on too many things came on at once and the GFCI tripped. How can I stop future problems like this? Every outlet in my room is on the same breaker. Should I buy a better surge protector or what? The wires going to the breaker are 20 amp if that helps. All feedback is welcomed at this time because this is the worst day I have had with my aquarium ever.
Well the fish in my tank are looking a lot better, they ate flake food and frozen daphnia tonight. The leathers are disintegrating and so are the mushrooms. The frogspawn corals are still closed but I hope they make it through this tragic moment. Should I leave my leathers in and hope they make it too? I don't think they are going to make it.
Well this morning I was advised to take the leathers out because they released toxins. So my leathers are now in the trash. I am going to run active carbon in one of the back chambers but idk which one to put it in. I am probably going to get chemipure because thats what my work carries whats your guys experience with this stuff?

My work carries chemipure elite but what is the difference between these two?

Well I broke up some of my rocks to reaquascape and I sorta like it but then again I dont. The problem is that the pieces came from two of my rocks that were in the tank and when I broke them up every piece had a flat edge on it so im wondering if I should take this rock back to my work and get some better pieces or just keep what I have?

I also would like to see if anyone has pics of there aquascapes.

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