14 Gallon Biocube

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Is minimal amounts of algae good? or should I decrease the lighting time?
Well I did a water change just now and the tank looks better. Cleaned all of the glass and its spotless. 2.5 gallons changed. Stress coat and stress zyme added and carbon filter pad changed.

I was thinking about adding a six line wrasse to my tank. What is the minimum tank size for these fish? I have heard that they are hard to feed. Is this true? What is your experience with them and would this be a good or bad addition for my tank?
I have a 24 gal. Im not sure minimum requirements for keeping a sixline. I believe its around 20-30 gallons. The one I had came right to the food and ate mysis no problem at all. Disappeared about a week later tho never to be seen again. Dont know what happened.
Hi there nanoreef 11. I think your off to a great start. And I was thinking about fish. A zebra dartfish would be neat or a pair of clown gobys too or a Court Jester Goby(my personal favorite). Or a pair of neon gobys as well. But if you wanted to add a few corals that a clown would host in go for a big frogspawn or hammer coral.

Good job
I am going for a big hammer coral for my clowns that is if they go near it! They are tank bred and I read that tank bred clowns rarely host anything. However the coral is going to be a focus point :hyper: so it is going to be a part of my set up regardless. Do clowns host xenia ever? Hammer coral, frogspawn and torch are all ok under standard PC lighting, right?

Regards :good:
I'd strongly advise against a sixline wrasse.

There are two issues with these fish, firstly, though they stay small they are very active fish which like a decent amount of swimming space and enough room to form a territory. I keep one in a 24G cube and would say that it's probably a little too small for it, although I will be moving it to a larger tank in a couple of months. The second is that they can be very agressive towards other fish, not always enough to hurt the other fish, but certainly enough to stress a new addition enough to put them in serious danger. This is only going to be worse the smaller a tank gets.
Thanks for all the replies you guys. So the six line is probably not the best fish to add at the moment. The royal grammas that my LFS sells are a fairly good size and I thought they would be to big for my tank so then i decided against them. Maybe instead of adding another fish I will start on corals. I looked up hammer corals and they are pretty neat looking. On Friday I go to work at my LFS so I will talk to him about what he can get and then we will go from there. So I think the first coral I will add will either be a frogspawn or a hammer coral. What are your experiences with these and which one is easiest to care for?
Well I finally decided to update my page. Its been a while since I have been on here because I have been busy with school and what not.
For the additions I added a hydor koralia nano pump rated at 240gph. I dont know if I have to much flow in the tank for this but it's better than just the stock pump. I also added my first coral the frogspawn coral. One of the heads died after I got it more than likely due to stress but the other head are doing excellent. I just recently added a couple of leather corals and some mushrooms. The leathers aren't doing so well. If anyone can help me on this that would be great. I also added a diamond goby to help with the cleanup and some more snails and hermits. All is doing well as I just did a water change yesterday and cleaned the glass. All comments are well appreciated. Thanks for looking.
Hydor Koralia nano pump




Frogspawn Coral


Leathers (a little hard to see)





Diamond Goby


Side View


Full Tank Shot

very nice, are the leathers just not opening, or are they disintegrating?
They just aren't opening. They open some days but most of the time they are closed. The frogspawn does well with all the flow but idk if there is too much flow for the leathers.
OMG nice frogspawn! Bet that looks nice with the actinics on!
Give it time and the clowns will hopefully host in it for ya. When i added a frogspawn they didnt host in it, few months later added a few more pieces and they hosted in that....then a few months later i added a bubble tip and they hosted within 60 seconds of it going in the tank :D
Now that theres soo much choice in there they switch from the anemone to the toadstool to the caulerpa!
Your tanks coming on nice! Get some xenia in there and it will add a bit of movement due to the pulsing and it will spread...mwahaha!
Thanks connorsbala
When the frogspawn was still at my work (my lfs) it wasn't as open as it is now.
I am amazed at how much it really opened up. I was hoping for the clowns to host it but maybe in a month or so.
One of the leathers is starting to open back up tonight. Ill try to get a pic of it tomorrow or something.
My work has some blue xenia as I will still see if its there on friday. They are really nice looking corals but heard they can be a little challenging. Not sure if this is true or not.
Here is a pic of the frogspawn before the actinics go off.


I will try to use my moms camera to take a better shot some time this weekend.
These are all taken with my phone.
Haha..i got a piece today :p
Yours looks lovely though! I also got a bubble and a free piece of xenia :)

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