120 Gallon


Jun 10, 2013
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I managed to convince my parents to let me get the tank! And luckily they have allowed me to go with a 4ftx2ftx2ft which is more than I was expecting! Unfortunately there's a catch. I have to get rid of my 35 gallon to make room for it

My original plan for a CA cichlid tank will therefore not work as they will be too aggressive to put with my angelfish.
This means that there will be 1 angel fish, 1 Firemouth and 1 Senegal Bichir in the new tank to start with.
I'm now thinking of doing a semi aggressive predator tank with the three fish mentioned along with a datnioides Polota, a zebra spiny eel and possibly a rainbow snakehead. How does this sound?
Also, I will not be able to cycle the new tank due to having nowhere to put the fish from the old tank so would moving all of the gravel, water, decor and filter over work as a substitute?  
Thanks for the help!
Gravel and particularly filter media will do the trick. No real point in doing the water, unless you treat it to make very different to the tapwater. But if you think about it, the current filter supports the fish you want to put in there, so if you move all the bacteria over, it will continue to do so.
the_lock_man said:
Gravel and particularly filter media will do the trick. No real point in doing the water, unless you treat it to make very different to the tapwater. But if you think about it, the current filter supports the fish you want to put in there, so if you move all the bacteria over, it will continue to do so.
Well that's a relief!
The only reason I was going to move the water over too was to reduce the time it takes to heat up so that the fish aren't in the bags too long.
Thanks for the reply
I have upgraded a few times using the same logic that the lock man said about and it worked good :)
As for stocking, I think the best tanks are the ones with the least species in. What about putting your Firemouths and Angels into groups of like 5/6 each (adding young fish to your older ones) then adding around that - I dont know much about Dats but the silver is the smallest isnt it? Could maybe try a singleton in there? And then maybe a group of some kind of zippy loach or catfish like a Pictus or Angelicus Loaches?
Yeah the silver is the smallest, it grows to about 10-12 inches and is fairly peaceful so long as you avoid small fish and I think it would make a great centrepiece to a semi aggressive tank. You suggested Viejas and texas cichlids on my last post which grow to the same size so I'm assuming that the tank will be big enough for a single dat?
My Firemouth is quite aggressive towards other cichlids (hence why I want the bigger tank) especially those smaller than him so I think adding a group of juveniles could end in tears. I'll consider adding another angel similar in size to my current one at most but I don't think several Firemouths would work well in my case.
How does this sound?
-2 angelfish
-1 Firemouth
-1 silver dat
-1 bichir
-1 zebra eel
Or I guess I could go with 6 angels, the Firemouth and the Bichir?
True - Im just a little more wary of Dats as I dont know much at all about them... thats the only thing.
I think the stock there looks good, it just feels really unnatural to me. I think its the Angels in what is becoming a large predator tank...
Yeah, I see what you mean but I'm too attached to my angel to rehome it but I really want a predatory tank opposed to a relatively peaceful angel community 

Saying that though, the angels will be the second biggest fish when you think of how thin the Bichir and eel are.
If you managed to convince your parents to get you a 120 gallon tank which is very impressive, I would say that as far as your selling strategy and skills for getting fish dollars are top knotch.  Much higher than the average person.  I personally have found thant having a fish tank in a closet is a great addition to any closet.  Plus when the doors are open, theres a tank!  buy a low standing stand, and set it up there.  there is always room for a tank.  You may have to get creative.
Another strategy I would consider is to reccomend that your parents deserve your beaitiful fully cycled and happy fish tank and that It would look amazing in there room. or pick a room that you truely believe it will go great in. Explain to them that you understand the decor may not be exactly what they want because of their personal taste in that room,  explain how the fish need some hiding spots but we can put all types of decor of your choice in the tank.  it would look fantastic!   They can even pick out some cool decor for the tank with their style and flare,  if your mom likes the pink fake plants.  guess what , it is now time to add those pink plants.  it's a 100 percent proven fact, that any room in anywhere is 100 percent more attracive with a tank.  Pick out a spot, show them what your thinking, and tell them if they give you an hour.you will have it all set up ready to rock.  If need be say lets just try it for a week here see how you feel.  You will do all the maintance and water changes, and everything you have been doing correctly up until ths point.  Print out a few color photos of some different options of decor plants, ships, anything they like or could make that rooom better.  What your doing is creating a presentation on why it is important that this tank remains with you.
I would try this option first before, compeltely redesigning you tank strategy and stressing about cycling and going crazy.  They secretly still want this tank, they just dont no it yet.  GO GET EM!  they will thank you in the long run.  Make sure you show your dad and mom how to insert the new decor with out making a splash.
Hope this helps! 

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