10G Stocking Idea

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Fish Crazy
Jan 30, 2012
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I've been looking at this website and have a interesting idea based on the website's "Peaceful 10g Community". Once my other tank's cycled and I remove the Dalmatian Mollies which I learn will grow too big for a 10G (and recently I've seen them shooting longer like sprouts, I'd like to implement this stocking idea. How does it seem to you. I think it's fine as long as the website says it's fine because it's very accurate and updated. What do you think:

I also like it becasue they're supposed to produce way less bio-load than mollies.
Here. The link was too long.

No. Panda Corydoras a schooling fish and should be placed in more so groups of 6+ while pygmies should be placed in groups of 8+. So I would recommend something more along the lines of

1 sparkling gourami
8 Habrosus Corydoras
5 ghost shrimp
1 Nerite snail
Although experience tells me you are unlikely to take advice, I would say go without the pandas and perhaps get a few more pygmies, 7 or 8. 10g is not that big and really a betta and pygmies is enough. Remember all fish will grow from when you buy them.

Honestly, these websites are a guide and very useful but nothing compares to the advice you will get here as a formula on a computer cannot compete with experience!
The reason that website gets blocked is because it is a load of rubbish. Please don't bother with it.
Given your 10g is probably a 40l, your stocking is way too ambitious and even that does not given the social catfish enough numbers.

IMO, you need to choose either...

Betta with a few snails


A single group of 8-10 "pygmy" Corydoras (pygmeus; hastatus; habrosus)
So would pygmy cories with a betta be fine or any combination of fish with a betta be fine because I can't really remove the betta. But i like fishfriend2's idea is there any way to change around the fish to add a betta?
There really isn't that much you can keep in a 10 gallon with a betta apart from, as suggested, some interesting looking snails and if, only if your betta will tolerate them, some shrimp (mine eats them). Isn't the betta enough? Do you HAVE to have extra fish?
Kuhli loaches might be an idea but i dont know your tank dimensions
So is there no way to have a minimum sized school of Pygmy Cories with a Betta?
You ideally shouldn't have the minimum for anything when it's concerning fish. Every fish would much rather prefer above the minimum so 8+ would be ideal where as 6 wouodnt be as optimal

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