10 Tank's fish and tanks

Thursday supplemental post. Picked up some Scissor Tail and Red Tail Rasboras at the local PetCo yesterday. Nice fish. Haven't had Rasboras in some time. Lost a Buenos Aires Tetra overnight. Have had quite a few and have never lost one. I'm down one to 31. But, have had four fry make it so far. Pretty hardy fish. They're my favorite!

Hello. Well, it's the end of the work week and we're taking the day off from the tanks. Today, we're having the windows in the house cleaned. Fortunately, we have a couple of friends that run a cleaning business. They clean the house once a week and once a year, they do the windows. A long time ago, we used to do this sort of thing ourselves, but now the windows are just too heavy to lift out and clean and the last thing I want to do is clean the house. We will be feeding the fish, but no water changes today.

A very sunny and cool Saturday morning. We'll work on a couple of tanks today. The government one and our 300 gallon trough. Not a heavy load by any means. Picked up some new fish the other day. Haven't had Rasboras before that I can recall. These were very cheap and look healthy. We have Red Tail and Scissor Tail Rasboras. Interesting fish and they should fit in nicely with the rest of the fish in our community tanks.

A Saturday supplemental post. Attached is a photo of some Iris that are blooming this year. They're in the area of the outdoor tank, so I guess it's kind of tank related. The different colors and combinations of colors in this plant are amazing. My wife has several different colors. Sadly, they only bloom for a few weeks in the late Spring and early Summer and are gone until the next year.



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Sunday. A nice, warm morning. Temp is in the low 60s already. So, we're back on schedule for water changes. Three tanks this morning. The new Rasboras seem at home in their new tank. They were in their tight, little group when I put them in, but now they're exploring on their own. I have seven Red Tail Rasboras and six Scissor Tails. The Scissor Tails looked a little thin, so hopefully, they'll fill out. They seem to be good community tank fish.

First off. Sorry about the photo quality. Picture taking is not one of my strengths. So, here are some of the new fish.



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Sunday supplemental post. Here's a picture of an Iris that's an unusual color. It's growing next to my outdoor 300 gallon tank. It gets watered periodically with the old tank water from the 300. I've never seen this color before in an Iris.



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Hello and good morning. Monday and we've got four tanks due for a large water change. We'll get those done this morning and feed all the fish. Fed the Giant Danios already. I just give them a pinch of food. But, when the food drops down onto the water, it looks like such a huge amount. The Danios are growing nicely and they'll clean up the surface food in about a minute or two. Not much drops to the bottom of the tank, because these fish are incredibly fast swimmers. What does drop to the bottom will sustain the fish for another day until the next feeding. Underfeeding just a bit is important to the health of your fish. Once the food on the surface is gone, they'll forage around other areas of the tank and pick up a morsel or two that has been missed. This will help keep the tank clean and the fish fed for the next day or even two.

Tuesday morning. Had a nice rain last night. Also, had a tornado watch which is very unusual for us. Other than a bit of wind and the moisture, that was it. Today, we work on three tanks. The outdoor 300 trough got a bit of water change with the rain we got. So, I think we can leave that one alone for a couple of days. We'll work on the 100 and a 55 gallon tank. It appears the Botanical Garden wants me to keep their Koi. Haven't heard anything from them. Oh, well. I think the fish do very well in my trough and will be content with the current set up. The garden is looking great! Everything is doing so well!

This is Wednesday morning and we're going to work on two tanks today. A 60 gallon and the government office 55 gallon. Just going to remove and replace half the tank water, nothing we haven't done many times before. No word yet from the botanical garden people as to their Koi we've been keeping for them for the last several months. Actually, we know more about keeping their fish than they do. They get distracted with other garden things and we just concentrate on keeping the fish healthy.

Good Thursday morning! Today, we have the day off. Our local conservation office has a plant sale once a year. They bring in plants and trees from the local growers and sell them to promote planting of drought resistant plants. This helps us conserve the water we have. Whatever isn't sold is available to anyone who wants the plants. We've added to our garden for several years by taking advantage of all these plants. Now, our garden is really overplanted, but we still like to go out and visit with the conservation people. They are so nice and very knowledgeable. We've become good friends over the years. So today, I'll take a good friend of mine out to check out all the free plants and get some more information on planting and visit of course!

Friday morning and we've got the day off from any tank work. Went to the plant sale our conservation district had yesterday and picked up some wild flower seeds. We'll see if we can get them to grow in an aquarium indoors. Will see if I can get a 55 gallon tank or larger for cheap and set up a small indoor garden. I have all the lighting, bottom material and whatever else I need. Not sure where I can put the tank, but I'll get it done. If you want something badly enough, you'll find a way to do it!

Hello. So, we have a long weekend ahead of all the hard working people. Rest up! On Saturdays, we typically have water changes scheduled for the 300 gallon trough and the government's 55 gallon tank. Lost a fish this week in the government tank. It had been in the tank for a little more than a year. Don't know how old it was when we put in the tank. Some fish live a long time and others don't. But, we'll remove and replace half the tank water as usual. The new Rasboras we got a week or so ago are doing well in their larger homes.

Sunday morning and we had some rain last night. So, we're back in the swing of things with three tanks that need half the water changed. As you may know, other than changing the water, we've left the plants alone to do their "natural" thing. They're starting to look a little over grown, but that means more tank water is being filtered by the plants. The large water changes are keeping nitrogen from the fish and plant waste to a minimum and the fish look strong and healthy. The health of your fish depends on clean water. This means that the more water you change and the more often you do it, the healthier the fish.


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