10 gallon tank


New Member
Jun 1, 2004
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I am starting with a modest ten gallon tank. I like variety, but I would also like stuff that was decent sized (3-5").

I like Catifish, and I'd like some kind of algae eater, but these aren't set in stone, as I don't know much about what kinds to get, or if any would do well in such a small tank.

Most importantly, I like ones that look sorta different. I would like to expand later, but I can't commit to it yet. Also, I like fish that eat something besides flakes, but would still live together.

Given those preferences, I'd appreciate any advice on what to buy, so have at it.
well if you like fish in the 3-5" range I'd say return the 10 gallon and start with something bigger. at that size you'd have room for maybe 2 fish depending on their adult size. 10G isn't a lot of water unless you're keeping very small fish.
Like I said, it's not a prerequisite.

Also, I'd be happy to only keep two fish if that was my limit, but this is the tank I have for now, so "replace the tank" isn't really a solution.

Not trying to be mean, so don't take it that way.
honestly, if you want fish in the 3 to 5 inch range, youre pretty much only going to get one in a ten gallon. maybe two, it they are 3 inch fish, but only 1 if its 5 incher. you could keep a couple of smaller south american cichlids, like kribs or rams i suppose. youre limited on types of catfish, cory cats maybe otos for algae are your best bets in that size tank.

have you looked around at your lfs to see whats available, what you like and cna afford? then do soem research, find out size, compatibility, etc.

a 10 gal is pretty limiting if you don't want smaller fish.................
Again, it's not a prerequisite. If small fish are what I can get, then small fish are what I will be content with.

What do you recommend?
ah, i see, apperently i don't read very well. :lol:

well, in that case, your looking at a nice school of tetras maybe or another schooling fish variety, or some livebearers or some sort, a little group of cory cats would be nice.

do you want activity or color in your tank?
Platies, Guppies, Cories (a total of 4 ~ 6 but depending on your filtration & the way guppies and platies breed - you'd better watch out!!!). You could get a betta. However if you get a betta you'd only get one since it would fight with the other fish.

You are quite limited on size and it's really restricting if you want an assortment of fish(i too found this out and set out to buy a 20 gallon about 3 months after I got my 10 gallon).

Some fish that you probably could have are not good in a newly established tank. e.g. Neons.

Sorry if the suggestions seem stale, but 10 gallon's aint alot to work with
No, those aren't stale. I didn't expect to have anything too outlandish at first. In fact, your comments are getting me more into the idea of schoolers than I was before.

Corys sound good. I'll look into those. 4-6 sounds excellent. Any specific type of cory better than another?

What do you think about upside-down catfish or ghost catfish?

To answer MAM, I guess I'd say activity over color.

I have a friend who knows more than me and is gonna help me get started with cycling and all that.

Thanks for all your help so far. I'll definitely be back!
upside cats get a bit too big for a 10, you could get away with it, but i wouldn't. ghost or glass cats would work.
there are countless tetra varieties out there. danios, whether zebra or leopard, look great in a school and are very active. so are rasboras, if you want something other than a tetra. glass fish, if you store sells the fw variety, are neat, as long as they aren't the dyed kind.......... kind of different.
I think I'm gonna go with 4 cory cats probably. Hopefully that isn't too much.

Probably get some little tetras if I ever expand.

Once I get more cash coming in, I plan on buying a big tank and using this one just to acclimate or breed, but still, I don't want to get anything that can't live there right now.
ghost or glass cats are cool. although they are happiest when in a big group. my suggestion is harlequin rasboras. i think their color and pattern is interesting and they stay fairly small, about an inch and a half. Also to answer your question about flakes every kind of fish ive learned about likes variety in their diet. just like most kliving things i guess. so flakes can be the staple but you should also give them things like blood worms, fresh veggies, brine shrimp etc.. depending on what you go for. my glass cats love the bloodworms. in fact everything in my tank loves bloodworms. also they have lots of sinking foods like shrimp pellets or algea discs if you go for a bottom feeder. The glass cats are not like most catfish in the algea eating or bottom dwelling.
Cories! :)

I love my cories in my 10 gallon!

They live there with one platy at the moment. I wanted a couple more cories, but it's the $$$$ that are restricting me :angry:

I'd have to say I like the Julii Cories since they are smaller & cuter than other cories(plus I have 3 of them!), I also like Panda's, Albino and Bronze Cories (but the bronze & Albino's get a little larger 2~3 inches?).

Around here the Julii cories come and go & are a little more pricey than the other cories.

Panda's occasionally are in stock at my LFS but not as pricey.

but the bronze & albino ones are quite common.

If you have a mate who's into Fish and has a tank....try to 'borrow' some gravel or pop your filter into his tank for a week to speed up the cycling for your own tank.

(check out the pinned articles here - they are VERY helpful).

Just for fun you might consider adding a couple of ghost shrimp.They'll help keep the tank clean and they are comical to watch.I have several in with my fantail in a 10g tank.I thought they'd be snacks but they are getting along fine.The shrimp have become so bold that they surface along with the fantail at feeding time and scrabble for flakes.I could almost swear I can hear them squawking,"Mine...mine...mine!!!" like the gulls in Finding Nemo :D

Thanks everybody.

All great ideas. I'll give the shrimp a go as well. How do shrimp or snails count towards the gallon limit?

My friend did say I could use his gravel, so that will speed things up. :)

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