1 Gallon tank


Fish Crazy
Apr 8, 2004
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Cardiff, Wales, UK (not australia)
I have chucked away that 2 gallon tank because it had a hauge leak in it, i found the same model for very, very cheap but only the size that fits a gallon inside.
It has no heater, pump, filter, lights etc.
Would I be able to put a small shoal of;
white clouds or guppy's or platy's?
What fish o you think would be able to live in this tank??
What temp is the room at? Does the temp fluctuate?

If you only have one gallon (that's what I believe you were saying, at least :p) you can't get any shoaling fish. In all honesty, if the conditions are right, you are, IMO, restricted to bettas and small critters such as ADF (with research) and ghost shrimp. :dunno:
Oh. Ways to fix those problems:

Get a small heater. You might find one for a 1 gallon tank (I, personally, have only found 2.5 gallon heaters here). They're not very expensive.

Filtration: Tank'll filter itself over time. To speed it up, you could get a sponge filter.

Circulation: Air stone.

Unlit? Didn't quite see that one. Well, my five gallon is unlit, but I have fluorescent lights in the room, so there's enough of it in the tank.
Um, that's a nine degree variation (in Fahrenheit). That is quite a bit of fluctuation, IMO--at least for tropicals. I'm scared about 1-2 degrees, let alone nine.

The way I see it, the temp fluctuates around 10 degrees in the Far East. However, this us over the period of the entire day, not in a few hours. I take it that those fluxes do not take the whole day...
i'm not really sure, at it's hottest the room will be say 76 degrees farenheit.
Usually it will be about 70-72. sometimes a little less.
Sorry that I'm making this more difficult than it seems, the spot it is in wil get light around 8-10 hours of the day, with probobly strong light for maybe 2 hours.
In this time the tank will be 72 degrees on a usual day, for the rest of the time it drops a little into the high 60's 68-69 degrees.
:( any more clear?
Somewhat. the way I see it, you ae placing the tank in or near direct sunlight and that is causing the temp fluctuations. Am I correct in my assumption?
There are fish that handle fluctuation well, and there are fish that live in small bodies of water but the only commonly available one is a betta splendens but thats really pushing what the fish can handle and I dont think thats right.

My suggestion is this http://www.kidsurplus.com/trs-tr-tia.html
Opcn said:
There are fish that handle fluctuation well, and there are fish that live in small bodies of water but the only commonly available one is a betta splendens but thats really pushing what the fish can handle and I dont think thats right.

My suggestion is this http://www.kidsurplus.com/trs-tr-tia.html
hmm, good news, I should be getting a small heater, or something that will actually heat the tank in the next few hours :D
Now with a heater, what fish can I get now???
I am very keen on getting a small shoal (about 4) minnows, but do they come up for air or need oxygenated water?? I might just go for a betta though

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