
  1. ReddSamurai

    What To Use?

    right im moving soon so while i have the chance i want to get some plant fertilizer or soil and then cap it with the gravel and sand i have for both tanks. what plant fertilizer substrate or soil would you recommend?   ive had a look at tetraplant, eco complete, fluval stratum etc etc, and i...
  2. RCA

    Unipac Gravel And Sand, Which Do You Own?

    I use the Unipac Tana (recommended) and more latterly the Sengal, my preferred.  I have just bought some Limpopo for a new project, but am considering whether to switch it to one of the sands?  Therefore, I am interested in what other people own and what fish they keep in their tanks with these...
  3. ghettofarmulous

    Black Sand Suitable For Cory's

    Hey guys,   I am looking for advice on type of Black sand that others are using for cory tanks. I have read up on black Diamond sand but this seems to be available in the US and not UK. I live in scotland and have used play sand with great sucess but i want to change to a black sand that is cory...
  4. A

    Newbie With Substrate Questions

    I am starting a new tank, 50 gallons and before I set it up I was wanting to know what kind of substrate I should start with.  My goal is to have a fairly natural looking freshwater tank with plants and fish.  I'd also like to have a few invertebrates if possible such as snails.  What kind of...
  5. Nightfall

    What Substrates Do Your Betta Prefer?

    I'm planning a second, larger tank upgrade and I'm wondering what substrate you guys use. So far the suggestions I've had (or things I've used myself) are: pond pebbles large, smooth gravel (over 4mm) small gravel (>3mm) sand I have a little 3g tank that is massively overplanted for its size...
  6. T

    Cleaning Gravel Help

    I have had my tank running for about 6 weeks now and done water changes weekly. I am new to this and would like some advice please. I have not cleaned my gravel as i was told the filter will sort out the fish waste. However i am unsure if i am to clean up the mess within the gravel. If i am has...