pregnant molly

  1. GothFishKeeper

    Need advice for breeding setup

    So my current setup is a 20G tank with live plants including hornwort wrapped around some spider wood as a “tree” to provide cover for my molly fry. The issue is that I have 11 full size fish in my tank, and I already have 20+ fry from one of my mollies giving birth. On top of that I have two...
  2. E

    Very pregnant molly!

    Hi there, I believe my molly is extremely close to giving birth. I am just about to separate her from the main tank, but want to ensure it isn’t too soon. What do you guys think?
  3. B

    Pregnant Molly, please help me!

    Hi! I’m new to owning fish and I have a Molly that is definitely pregnant because I saw a tiny fry in my tank. I moved the fry to a container and gave it some food. However there was only one that I saw so I moved my female Molly to a quarantine tank with some artificial plants because I don’t...
  4. E

    Pregnant mollies

    Hey guys 2 of our fish seem to be pregnant, would you say so? We only noticed this on Saturday so are unsure as to how long they have been pregnant for. The guys in pets at home advised we keep them in this cage until they give birth and then move them back into the tank and leave the babies...
  5. G

    Pregnant molly

    How much longer do you guys think sorry she’s pooping
  6. G

    Here is the video! Is she pregnant

    Is she pregnant? I’m posting the video for people.
  7. G

    Is molly pregnant

    Is my Molly pregnant? The white one
  8. G

    Molly pregnant???

    Is my molly pregnant?? I have one picture up if you have Instagram I have a video to add
  9. A


    EDIT!!!! Update!!!! MOLLY HAD BABIES ABOUT 3 HOURS AFTER POSTED. HERES PICS. My molly is pregnant and about to pop I just don’t know what I’m doing and need help lol. Here she is. Idk how long she’s been pregnant all I know is she’s about to give birth maybe. The male is freaking out hanging...
  10. B

    Information about pregnant molly

    I have a pregnant molly fish. There are a lot of questions I have, some just for curiosity reasons and others so that I can provide the best care possible. How long does a molly pregnancy last? Also, how long is left of the pregnancy when the molly starts showing? This is also the mollys first...
  11. S

    Pregnant Molly

    I have a molly, that we noticed has gotten bigger over the days and wondering if she’s pregnant. The pictures don’t show just how big she is in real life. However the problem is- there is no other molly in the tank.... hasn’t been for months. Only have goldfish and tetras in there.
  12. V

    White molly

    Is my white molly pregnant? If it is pregnant what will be the estimated delivery period? Thanks in advance.
  13. Jackee

    Anyone ever squeeze babies from their mama fish??

    So....I know some people have done this but the thought of doing this myself makes me very uncomfortable, as I do not want to cause any pain or discomfort, injury, or God forbid death to the fish. I have a molly who has been pregnant for a very long time, about two weeks ago she began giving...
  14. pjwilford

    Pregnant Molly!

    Beautiful black molly. Brought home not too long ago. How long do you think this mommy-to-be has left until she meets her babes?? Hard to tell on the black mollies. Sorry about the quality of the pic. Maybe I can get a better one...
  15. E

    Video Male Molly pregnant?

    This molly was bought two or three weeks ago and I chose her because she was a girl. Then after a week or so I looked again and thought I must have been mistaken. I have since read that it is possible for the fish to be a 'late bloomer' or even to change gender. But now she/he looks pregnant or...
  16. M

    Huge Molly

    Hi my White Molly is huge and has been for a while about 5 weeks she looks pregnant but there's no gravid spot also the male keeps pestering her by her anal fin. What I'd like to know is there always a gravid spot
  17. ranish

    Confused With New Balloon Mollies

    Got a couple of mollies but have no idea if they are going to drop fry. They are very confusing because they look big in the first place. Previous owner said that some may be pregnant. Please help. Any help welcome. I have attached some pics as well. Thanks
  18. J

    Help Pregnant Molly

    Hi there. I'm new to having my own tropical fish and got 2 female Molly's. 1 pure black other dalmation. Dalmation 1 has recently got fatter than other, keep hanging around filter and has tiny white thing sticking out near anal fin. Is she pregnant? Thank Jem