I have a 38 gallon community tank with two medium size angels( I have one more in a separate tank he’s too small for them right now I think, they where not very nice) before when I added the small angel my bigger veil tail was being a bit aggressive pecking at him. I only mention that because...
First, hi there, I’m very new to the forum so sorry if I don’t know how this works. Second, I’ve owned 2 albino Cory catfish in the past, but after they died I got 2 new ones about a month or so ago. Up until yesterday, they’ve been fine. I’ve made no new changes to the water recently and it’s...
Hello! I recently bought a black kuhli loach for the first time to pair with my small school of guppies in a 10 gal. He's currently in an empty “quarantine” tank with the other new guppies I bought with him. Anyway, he’s only been in there a few hours, but he’s been spazzing out like the devil...
hey guys! I've got this beautiful Creamsicle Mollie that I purchased approximately two months back, she's acting odd and I'm quite worried about her. When we first got her, she was added to our 20gal hexagon tank along with two other Dalmatian Mollies, and two Dwarf Flame Gourami's. She began to...
Hi All!
Recently (Approx 2.5 months ago) I introduced six Silvertip Tetra into my (new) community tank, they live alongside Paul (BN), 10 Neon Tetra & 8 Raspboros. They've all been living very happily but the last few days one of the silvertips is in my opinion acting a little weird. This...
I just got new fish. They are neon fish. Get up to a foot long but small now. Aggressive. But they said you can get a differentiation of the same species which at the store were in the same tank. I got two neon fish and two smaller striped ones. Floated them and put them into a 30 gallon tank...