
  1. E

    Fluval 307 head issue.

    Hello, this is the second time this has happened to me and I am trying to find some form of answer. So I have a Fluval 307 series of canister filter, and the pump head has cracked for a second time, I seriously do not know why this has happened, but as soon as power is lost to the pump, it will...
  2. cajungirl0487

    Aquarium leak? Please help! scared

    Not sure where to post this question. But I'm having a problem with my fish tank leaking from the TOP, where the black base/trim is near the lid. I just noticed this today. I noticed some dried up water stains/drips down the front top corner of my tank... when I wiped the top crack where the...
  3. H

    Hi, Leaking Tank, Help! What Do I Do?

    HI,   So my tank has started leaking, well my mother noticed it a few days ago, but now it's really bad. It looks like it's from the bottom of the tank, but I don't really know as cant remove water and fish at the moment.   If it is the glass that has cracked, can I use fish safe silicone to...
  4. C

    Please Help Filstar Canister Leaking!

    Please help!  I purchased an API Filstar XPL canister filter second hand.  It is leaking from the little slots along the lid.  Please advise!!
  5. D34DLY

    Leaking Tank | Cabinet Swollen & Locked Closed | Emergency!

    Help!   My beautiful stand is getting damaged as we speak. The tank has leaked (about 100litres out of the 200litres) inside the cabinet. The only way for this water to get out is through the tiny cracks under the sliding doors in the cabinet.   Now my problem is, after having noticed a wet...