
  1. D

    Growing plants in a separate tank

    Hi everyone, I am getting back into the hobby after a long hiatus. I won't have my tank going for probably another 6 months or so as I will be moving house in the meantime, but I would like to start growing some plants now if possible. Plan was to use a smallish tank, fill about 1-2 inches of...
  2. T

    Strange brown stuff on tank glass

    Hello, I came to my tank yesterday and there was a strange brown thing on the inside of the tank glass, I had noticed it a few days ago but it was really small so I thought nothing of it but by yesterday it had grown to almost triple the size, so today I cleaned the tank out and used a sponge to...
  3. E

    Regarding Rotala acrandra and Hygrophila 'araguaia'

    Hi guys, I recently used some aquarium solvent, clay root tabs (clay balls with nutrients), and some rocks to plant the flora named in the title onto the rocks. Does anyone have any experience regarding growing these? I am using CO2 and high light levels. Thanks in advance!
  4. L

    I need opinions on a good light!

    I am planning on planting my 20H gallon tank with beginner, low-light plants. I came across the Fluval Aquasky 2.0 and loved the convenience of just using my phone! I saw one website had it on sale from 104.99 to about 72.99. Will it be enough to support the growth of low-light plants?
  5. LiizFish

    Platy fry is not growing

    Hello, I have a single platy fry in my 10 gallon tank with one mystery snail and a bladder snail. She's been in this tank a little over a week and was born on February 27. We moved her to my tank from our 36 gallon tank because we feared she might get eaten. Since the move, she doesn't seem to...
  6. JustinGatCat

    Angelfish not growing?

    Hey everyone! So I noticed recently that one of my angelfish hasn't exactly been growing. I have 3 angelfish, I got them all at the same time, all were about the size of a thumb. Now two of them are about palm sized, except the one I'm concerned about. He's still roughly the size of my thumb...
  7. Zikofski

    Fast Growing Plant

    hello peep's okay i am trying to find a fast growing plant the fastest out there sort of thing my idea is i want this plant to soak up all the excess nutrients in my tank, i dose EI method, i also inject co2 and have high light, I'm trying to minimise algae by limited excess nutrients to plants ...
  8. Q

    Need A Lot Of Plants On A Budget!

    So im setting up my 100g craigslist project using the Walstad method. I cant find anybody within a reasonable distance to get plants from, and buying plants online is expensive as hell. Im not very experienced in growing plants..... Like at all, but im determined to make this work. How long...