
  1. K

    Dwarf Gourami Fungus Please Help!

    Hello, I had made a previous post about some injured gourami that had fungus and needed to be treated. Unfortunately I lost 2 of them and my last little guy made it through the salt treatment for about a week and a half. I had started removing the salt through 25% water changes and by now...
  2. J

    DG and Apisto?

    I have a planted 20L with 4 otos, 6 zebra danios, and a powder blue male dg. DG hasn’t shown any aggression towards dither fish. I want to add a male apisto but don’t know how it will work out . Any advice / experience with this combo ?
  3. S

    How Much Guppys Will Fit In My 10 Gallon Tank

    PLEASE READ!!! Hello! I'm going to soon become a new owner of guppies (Though I have been an owner of a betta before). I am interested in how much guppies would be able to fit in my 10 gallon tank? I was think of getting about 4 guppies and MAYBE get 2 dwarf gouramis. And also, I don't know if...
  4. S

    Basic Gourami Help!

    Hey there! I’m new to the site and I have recently gotten back into the fish trade. I started really young, but now a I am trying out some new fish I’ve never had before. I recently got a 45Gal tank, and have been looking for a beautiful centerpiece fish to finish the look off. I figured what...
  5. Ama

    Video What's happening to my fish?

    I don't know what happening to my gourami, these days she's not energetic and there's a small black swelling on her belly. Is that any kind of sickness? Please help me
  6. E

    Snake skin gourami

    hello I was wondering if I could keep some snake skin gouramis in my 70 gallon community tank. I have 2 rainbow fish, 2 angle fish, 2 platies, 3 Cory’s, one bristle nose Pleco, 2 high fin blue German rams, 2 Apistogrammas, and one pearl gourami. I was wondering if they would eat any of my other...
  7. B

    What Kind Of Fish Is This?

    I bought four fish for my friend's birthday and found out he doesn't even have an aquarium anymore. He said he'd take them but I felt bad and actually like them so I just decided to keep and now I'm left with these fish I knew nothing about. They've been in a one gallon tank since friday.Bought...