electric blue acara cichlid

  1. D

    Electric Blue Acara Swimming Strange

    Hi All, my Electric blue Acara started swimming strange out of nowhere. Was absolutely fine yesterday. My last water change was 5 days ago and have not fed anything new or weird. She starts swimming slowly bottom of tank and then starts spiralling and going upside down. She has no spots or...
  2. P

    Neon Blue Acara question

    Hi, I have a male Neon Blue Acara who for the last week or so has been spending a lot of time diagonally nose down when stationary. He is still eating fine and when he swims he is horizontal. I've had him for about 3 months with a female and they have mated a few times but i haven't seen this...
  3. Guyb93

    Baby Kong

    Sorry for the poor quality photos but here’s baby kong, it’s the only keeper of the batch of fry and it’s well on its way growing now , big enough to scare off full grown Colombian tetra , almost 2 inches now , just waiting for another inch or so for the gender reveal ahahah
  4. Guyb93

    Thoughts on this chap

    I have 4 electric blue acara and two were bought from a local breeder and the other two were “wild caught” after learning a bit more knowledge I highly doubt they were wild caught , but they look different to my others so I alway put down as a bad buy and there low grade , one of them being a...
  5. Guyb93

    Value of my fish ?

    Hi all , ok so a local breeder who I know is after my breeding pair of electric blue acara.. there not for sale , he has a pair already and from being a long term customer I know he has them to sell every other month or so , he charges £10-£15 per acara at around 2 inches , he is offering me £50...
  6. Guyb93

    Are my fish ok ?

    Two of my electric blue acara I have 4 all juveniles from 2-3 inch my larger male and lager female ( what I believe is a female ) have started to get white on there anus? Reproductive gland ?sorry not sure the term And the other two haven’t , plan on doing a water test as soon as I get back...
  7. P

    Blood Parrot Friends???

    Hi i have a 65 gallon tank with a 3 inch pictus catfish 2 blue gourami 1 three inch and another about 2 inches. A blue acara cichlid about 3 inches and a blood parrot about 3 inches. The blood is extremely docile and so curious he doesn't attack anyone and just goes to hang out with them, the...