
  1. B

    Ammonia in new tank

    Hey there! I've darkstarted a new tank about a month ago. I put some used filter media to help out the process a bit. The thing is, I've been doing an ammonia test every week, since it's the only test I have left, and each time the ammonia is at minimum, under 0.05 ppm. There shouldn't really be...
  2. B

    Help me read the water results

    Hi, I am new to the hobby, and was testing my water but I am unsure how to read the results. Can you help me? I have 20 Gallon fishtank, 3 guppies and 2 plants inside, side filter and a heater, (however my water is on 80F due to warm weather and the heater never goes on). The fish tank is 2...
  3. E

    Molly not quite right...?

    Hi all, I could do with some help with one of my platinum lyre tail mollies. We noticed today that he is sort of floating on the surface. I say sort of because he does swim around, albeit slowly. He has his mouth partially open, but doesn't open and close it. He also isn't eating. It almost...
  4. S

    Happy Tank Happy Wife-HELP PLEASE!

    Hi I have had a little fish tank up and running for about 8 months now-so am not a complete newbie...all is happy and Well all fish alive still-(I have read a lot of articles on here in that time) however my issue lies with my 180L tank. I bought this baby second hand and it’s had a few...
  5. SamB

    Filter Media

    Hi,   This may seem silly but I do not understand what filter media is. It's described often, used frequently, but when I look at my filter, I just don't understand what part of it is the media. When I have replaced my filters, I just have bought the packs.   This is my...