River stream 53g

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New piece of driftwoods a beast!!! It cost the seller £14 to get it delivered to me o_O

Its made a nice impact to the viewing of the tank and the fish seem to love it. Also freed up some smaller pieces of wood which as gone nicely in the 15g
Cheers RV :good: hows things across the pond. Hope you and the family are well:)

Hows your tanks?
We are hanging in there, trying not to worry about the future but it is hard. I put my plans on hold for my shrimp tank since it now has 13 platy fry in it. Added more ferns to my sunken forest tank since I had to remove what was left of the anacharis and replaced it with some salvinia. Not happy with the results but not much I can do about it. Wife is having issues with her knees again after had surgery on both a few years ago. :dunno:
We are hanging in there, trying not to worry about the future but it is hard. I put my plans on hold for my shrimp tank since it now has 13 platy fry in it. Added more ferns to my sunken forest tank since I had to remove what was left of the anacharis and replaced it with some salvinia. Not happy with the results but not much I can do about it. Wife is having issues with her knees again after had surgery on both a few years ago. :dunno:
Bless her, hope shes taking it easy :) my moms struggling with one of her knees atm and its really frustrating for her not been able to do what she wants.

Why did you have to remove the anacharis? Ive not tried ferns out yet
Bless her, hope shes taking it easy :) my moms struggling with one of her knees atm and its really frustrating for her not been able to do what she wants.

Why did you have to remove the anacharis? Ive not tried ferns out yet
I have been softening my hard water with RO and the anacharis was melting on me. I guess it is a hard water plant plus it was over 6 months old so that may also had something to do with it. I posted a thread about my sunken forest tank with no anacharis with before and after pictures. My wife and I use to go for long walks now it is only short walks and fewer times. Too painful for her:(
Changed my T8's in my Roma the day before i went away. I plan to replace them every year. Had to use another brand this time so was eager to see if my plants where ok when i got back.

Must say im very impressed with the progress with just over a week.
30th July

8th August


Really have exploded:hyper: The Cortuna as only been in the tank a couple of days before the light change. The fern as also doubled in volume:)
Wow you did have some explosive growth, hope it slows down or there will be no room for the fish:rofl: I still have about 6 months on my T-8.
Changed my T8's in my Roma the day before i went away. I plan to replace them every year. Had to use another brand this time so was eager to see if my plants where ok when i got back.

Must say im very impressed with the progress with just over a week.
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That male Odessa :hyper:
Barbs are getting big now arent they!
Wow you did have some explosive growth, hope it slows down or there will be no room for the fish:rofl: I still have about 6 months on my T-8.
I was abit reluctant to change them just before i was going away but one of the blubs was flicking at the edges so i didnt want it to go while i wasnt here.

Happy with the progress tho and all my tanks have been ok during the week away :)
That male Odessa :hyper:
Barbs are getting big now arent they!
Their stunning the males, even the black rubys and Rosy males are so colourful when in breeding dress..Odessa's have more party tricks with their colour tho.

Red,blue,black,silver and yellow..like swimming Rainbows:wub:
What are those gorgeous red leaves floating?? This tank is unbelievably beautiful :wub: :hooray: :hooray:
It's a beautiful burst of colour! Your tank is really amazing. I am hoping to set up a new tank soon - I was just gonna throw everything from my small tank in, fish included... But seeing this I kinda want the slow set up :wub:

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