Threadfin Rainbow Males

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Fish Fanatic
Apr 17, 2013
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So I have 5 Threadfin Rainbow fish. I just posted a topic a day or two about the females sparring, now its the males turn.
They've really been going at it over the past couple of days and I noticed today that one of them has a torn dorsal fin. 
So I guess what I'm wondering is if I should separate him out to let him heal? or will he be fine?
This is the best pic I could get, sorry it's a bit blurry!
Get more, The more there are the less likely one will get picked on. Also more females.
techen said:
Get more, The more there are the less likely one will get picked on. Also more females.
I have 2 males and 3 females currently
Would 3 Males and 5 females in total be enough? I'm already pushing it on my stocking.
Generally speaking, Threadfin Rainbowfish should be 1:2 males to females ratio.
So it should be either 2 males and 4 females or 3 males to 6 females.
As for torn fins, keeping water in really good condition is pretty much the best that will help repair/heal the fin, takes time though.
Torn fin probably the result from aggression and fin nipping, so as Techen says, up the numbers to help spread aggression.
Thanks guys! I think I'll adopt out my pleco and one of my honey gouramis to make some space. and get another male and 3 more females. I don't think just getting 1 more female will lessen the aggression between the males, but having 3 males may spread out the sparring? Thoughts?
My males get torn fins quite frequently and they heal extremely rapidly.  No damage done.
daizeUK said:
My males get torn fins quite frequently and they heal extremely rapidly.  No damage done.
Hmmm, interesting, thanks! I still think I may get a few more to lessen the stress and have more males. They're a bit prettier.
I have two full grown males who spar and they tend to be the ones with torn fins but I also have five smaller males and no females.  I don't think I'd keep two males together on their own, especially with females to fight over!
daizeUK said:
I have two full grown males who spar and they tend to be the ones with torn fins but I also have five smaller males and no females.  I don't think I'd keep two males together on their own, especially with females to fight over!
So do you think I should get another male? and a couple more females? or get rid of the females and a couple more males?
Like I said earlier, I have 2 Males and 3 Females currently.
I'd go with your suggestion of 3 males and 5 females, if you have the space.
I will once I take out my bn pleco. I probably do now, but just to be safe, I'll probably wait.
Wow, it's already healed! I am really impressed with how fast that was!

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