Transfering Platty

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maddog mcleod

New Member
Oct 27, 2011
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arbroath scoland
im realativey new to this have had fry before and a few survived i had them in breeding trap.
however now set up another tank witch is empty .would like to know witch way to transfer my pregenent platty with out her getting stressed and aborting.also would i have to bag her and let the bag water addapt to other tank as u do when bringing home from pet shop. and finaly when is best time to relocate her .
any help greatfully appreciated billy DSCF3084.JPG
As long as your tanks are well maintained, with regular water changes, the water in both tanks should be fairly similar, so there's no real need to bag and acclimatise her. What I do when I'm movig fish from tank to tank, is to use a plastic container, like an ice cream or margarine tub, catch the fish in that and then gently, very slowly sink it and let the fish swim out.

She's not very large yet, so I'd say you have at least another week and possibly two before she'll be ready to drop, although if she's young and this is her first or second brood it may be sooner, as younger fish have smaller 'litters' and so don't get as large as an older female would.

Don't forget your second tank will need a cycled filter in it. You can use some media from the main tank :good:
thanks mate she is now moved but now im like you in thinking i may be too early . hope not as wife and kids not keen for me tomove her at all . thanks again

if she is 1 to 2weeks will she be ok alone in the tank
I'd put her back in the main tank for another week and watch out for her 'squaring off', which is the best indicator of her being very close to giving birth :good:
ok thats her back in main tank just as well youngest daughter was in for dinner and told me to leave them alone ha ha thanks again

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