Sick Ram With Pink Pimple

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Oct 24, 2008
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Hope someone may have seen this before and offer some advice. I have a lovely male Bolivian Ram that has developed a lump/pink pimple just before its caudal fin. I have attached a picture below of the area. It does not seemed bothered by this but am concerned it appears to be getting larger at the moment. Any advice on what it might be or how to treat it?


Tank size: 180 litres
pH: 7.4
ammonia:less than 0.25ppm
tank temp:82f

Volume and Frequency of water changes:10% weekly

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:none

Tank inhabitants:harlequin, cardinals, corydoras, keyhole cichlids and white cloud minnows

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):no

Exposure to chemicals:none

Digital photo (include if possible):


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Ammonia reading should be 0.
How many fish do you have in the tank.
How long has the tank been set up.
Do you over feed.
I would do a water change.

The pink lump can see it must be blind.
Does the pink lump have any whiteness to it.
looks like your rams going through puberty lol sorry couldn't resist hope he'll be ok
Thanks for the replies. I wish it were just puberty! The reason I put less than 0.25 ammonia is that its impossible to have zero ammonia. My test kit says 0ppm when I tested it but because there are fish in there there is bound to be some :sick:

Did a water change yesterday. Tank has been running for three years. No whiteness at moment.

Have circled the pimple, see below. Probably does not help really.

Here goes


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Your ammonia reading should be 0 if you have ammonia all the time it means the following.
Over feeding.
lack of maintance.
How many fish and which type

How often do you maintain the tank.
The pink pimpe any puss coming out of it.

So you mean your test kit just says 0 to 25 if so that fine.
Volume and Frequency of water changes:10% weekly

I have 6 cardinal, 2 peppered corydoras, 2 keyhole cichlids, 6 while cloud minnows, 4 harlequins and 6 tetras (sold as green line tetras but I am still trying to identify them as not sure) plus the Ram.

Aquarium is filtered by one internal jewel filter and an external canister filter fluval 303 model i believe.

No puss as yet.

Aquarium has been going through an algae stage recently. Over six months ago I stopping using CO2 to provide luxuriant plant growth as it required too much time to constantly pull out carrier bags of plant cuttings every two weeks. Now its going through an algae stage with the plants now fighting back.

With the Ram's tail being relatively transparent you can see the pimple under the scales and there seems to be no broken skin above it.
I would issolate the fish and try a bacterial med.
He dosn't flick and rub himself on things in the tank.
I would issolate the fish and try a bacterial med.
He dosn't flick and rub himself on things in the tank.

Thanks will pick up some medication tomorrow, any recommendations please?
I have a quarantine tank that can be used as a treatment tank however could this cause more stress to him by the move? If its bacterial would the main tank not need treating any way?

Thanks for your speedy replies.
You could take the water from the main tank.
You will need a heater and filter.
What your location for meds.
Its not always wise to treat the whole tank and stress them out if only one fish is sick.
Just water changes on the main tank.

UK anti internal bacteria med by interpet.
United states maracyn plus, or maracyn one and two.
Have both heater and internal flter for spare tank. Based in North Yorkshire and heading to Sheffield tomorrow so will do my best to find Interpet treatment. Do they still sell Waterlife treatments?
Waterlife med myxazin might work but find pimples hard to get rid of.
I would try and get the anti internal bacteria med by interpet that might not do the job.
Really need an antibiotic in issolation.
Thanks Wilder for your help,will update thread once treatment has hopefully had desired effect.

Fingers crossed because he's a beauty.


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