Hi from Queensland Australia


New Member
Apr 29, 2023
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Queensland Australia
Hi, I fully expect this first paragraph to be deleted after moderators have read it. I have just stepped over here from another fish forum, which I had only joined a week or so ago. I was ‘pulled up’ for using the word ’damn’ in a really punitive manner. The message I received bringing this to my attention included a copy of the post with the word ’damn‘ circled in red texta pen, with the message ”foul language will not be tolerated“, as though it was implicitly understood the word ’damn‘ was considered foul language to everyone who might read it. It felt more like I was on the receiving end of a power and control trip by the mod than anything constructive. I sent a message back stating I felt I had walked into the wrong room and wanted to leave, so please close my account. I am 50 something years of age, I am not here or anywhere else to cause trouble for moderators or make waves (I was a moderator and administrator of a web forum myself for some years, so I am well aware of the kind of garbage you might deal with). I simply want to join a community of like minded people and share information, but I am not going to be treated like a child. Is that sort of thing likely to happen here? If it is then I am in the wrong place and would appreciate being told upfront. If it isn’t then I would like to contribute and share and receive information.

Hi from Queensland Australia. I keep shubunkins and a couple of comets. I know some please don’t think they are ‘real fish‘, but I like them and they are the closest we can have to Koi out here. We have such warm weather all year around that Koi become a biohazard if they find their way into the waterways, so it is illegal to keep them. Shubunkin’s are the next best thing.

I have a few in a 4 foot tank and some in a large fountain - both on my back deck. I am currently setting up 2 more 4 foot tanks and plan to bridge them so the fish can travel from one tank to another. I would like to feature a different aquascape in each tank. I am building my own filters which will likely sit inside the tank and contribute to the aquascape. It’s all a long term project which I will hopefully lay out over the next 6 months or so. I like to use second hand materials or things I find lying around the place - provided they are safe of course. I have kept reefs before, but still consider my skill level to be intermediate. There is an awful lot I don’t know. Particularly where it comes to diseases and parasites. Hoping to learn and share experience here.


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Hello there 👋🏻 sorry you had a bad experience elsewhere, we're a reasonable bunch here thankfully! Our MODs work hard to keep things running for us, keeping the forums family friendly and a fun place to share in.

Lovely tank! Look forward to your input, I'm sure with your years of experience you'll have lots to share 👍🏻
in all honesty I myself don't remember the number of times a mod has edited my posts for something I've said
some threads can get heated with difference of opinions but all in all is a decent place
I think you're still a bit on edge over what happened on your last home....
but the couch is better over here and the fireplace warmer
so sit down...grab a beer and enjoy your stay xD
With some words, it depends on the context. If the word you used was against a person, we would delete that and tell you why. But if it was simply frustration at something, provided a member doesn't use it regularly, a one-off won't be penalised.

There are words and phrases which are offensive, and they will be deleted and the member warned against using the words. Using symbols instead of the word is not acceptable either.

On this forum we do have a perfectly allowable word to use in such circumstances - fuplie. One of our members meant to type guppy but the phone's autocorrect changed it to fuplie. It was adopted as a word to use in a frustrating situation. Thanks @JuiceBox52 :)
Yeah, that fuplie autocorrect is so annoying 🧐
I hope this thread doesn’t become too much of a distraction. Yes, language can be powerful, particularly when used in coercive power and control differentials. Language can also be very subjective too. I don’t take offence at words being deleted. Nor do I take offence at being asked not to use words others might find offensive. It was the way the whole thing was handled that sent a very clear message to me that I was in the wrong place. It felt very fundamentalist and that is fine for people who want to be fundamentalist. It’s just not for me. I also don’t take kindly to being on the receiving end of power and control trips. I am not a means of supply for people and tend to leave very quickly when confronted with that type of behaviour. Had the message been conveyed to me in a more personable manner I would have taken it on board.

This was the context.

Take a look at this!! That’s the biggest god damn thing I have ever seen.


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If it is then I am in the wrong place and would appreciate being told upfront. If it isn’t then I would like to contribute and share and receive information.
Like every forum we'd like to keep the forum friendly. No harsh behavior is appreciated. And of course, members can differ in opinion about things. But that can be worked out in a decent way. And if it becomes too troublesome for you, you can always contact one of the mods or admins. And we'll take a look at the problem.
Sorry to hear that it didn't work out for you at the other forum.
I'd like to welcome you to TFF to start with... :hi:
Hope this forum works for you...

Shubinkins, Sarasas and koi are all fish. At least, to me they are at the same level as any other fish. I used to have lots of pond fish as well and I've been proud of all of my fish...

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