What’s this pond plant

Benji k

Oct 13, 2022
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So I got this plant from one of my mates ponds I’m not sure what it is I was thinking tiger lotus what do you guys reckon
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I can see duckweed, but I have no idea what that big reddish leaf is :huh:
I have a Helvola dwarf waterlily, I tried twice to get it to grow in an aquarium and in both attempts it would not take or thrive. I will be trying again this year but use a larger trim piece from the original. The parent plant has been outside for over 20 years now.

The Helvola might require a dormant period. I don't know about other dwarf water lillies. Mine could fit in a 20 gallon tank if trimmed but normally would take up a full 100 gallon stock tank when left outside.
I have a Helvola dwarf waterlily, I tried twice to get it to grow in an aquarium and in both attempts it would not take or thrive. I will be trying again this year but use a larger trim piece from the original. The parent plant has been outside for over 20 years now.

The Helvola might require a dormant period. I don't know about other dwarf water lillies. Mine could fit in a 20 gallon tank if trimmed but normally would take up a full 100 gallon stock tank when left outside.
yeah ive just places one in my 20 gallon how did it go on your inside tanks it looks good it looks like tiger lotus im gonna add it to my other 40 gallon

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