Advice on Stock

If you have hard water, the pH is more likely to be high.

Have we establish how hard your water is?
Little update: I've sent an email to my LFS and asked if they'd be willing to rehome some fish, including but not limited to my neon tetras, glowlight tetras and congo tetras. The common pleco will also go. It's a shame but I'd rather it be the common plec than my sailfin. I think my sailfin pleco is here to stay, whether that means moving him to his own huge tank or suffering the consequences.

Once I've got my stock completely under control, I'm hoping to get my hands on some black Venezuelan corys and a couple more upside down catfish. Or maybe I'll just... Secretly buy a dozen more tanks so I can have one of every fish I like! (/half joke).
Each to his own...
You'll have to offer it a biotope setup (sand, lots of smooth pebbles and rocks, roots/driftwood branches, water movement and oxygenation, multiple hidingplaces.

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