Micro Crabs


Fish Herder
Jun 13, 2006
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Just after they went into the tank.



The tiger shrimplet is quite small the crab chased it off, there is another smaller crab further down on the plant.

Wow Liam stunning pictures!!! - your lens 60mm is it dedicated macro? Also are you using a ring flash or have you just got extremely bright lighting lol?
Wow, awesome shots as usual!

That big crab looks really badass!

Every time I see your shots, it urges me to buy another piece of camera equipment to improve my shots :rolleyes:. Now I just need a better flash and diffuser lol.
Those are stunning pics :good: :good: These crabs look like biscuits with hairy legs :lol: Never imagined how hairy they really are. Not a fan of real hairy spiders myself but these look cute with their mini claws :wub:
Thanks Aaron, these guys are so tiny I don’t think they could do any harm to the shrimp.

Cheers saltynay

Thanks keenonfish yeah it’s a 60mm macro lens and I used two external flashes otherwise the detail on something as small as these couldn’t be seen.

Ckuts; they are pretty ugly but the kind of ugly I like.

Cheers T, the crabs look like they are getting contagious.

Thanks Three-fingers. The big one looks like a hairy monster. Close macro photography is fun especially with tiny critters like these.

Tyler, you are getting some soon are you not?

ISnail thanks, yeah they are hairy, it looks like they might be collecting food with the hairs.

I saw one carrying around a snail, I had to look through the camera to see what it had but it seems they may eat snails, this one kept the snail for about half an hour before it went off into the plants.

A hairy close up and pics of the snail carrier.



Yes, I'll be picking up 12 tomorrow. Expect pictures, but none as good as yours of course. :lol: I need a better camera to do that.

I wonder if they really are snail eaters. Probably can't touch trumpets or anything else with an operculum, so it may just be pond and ramshorn snails on the menu then.
Ooh I have a ton of little bladder snails in another tank. Though I did see one of mine holding a piece of gravel for a short time. So far mine have spent most of their time on the substrate and only occasionally venturing any higher into the xmas moss :unsure:
Ooh I have a ton of little bladder snails in another tank. Though I did see one of mine holding a piece of gravel for a short time. So far mine have spent most of their time on the substrate and only occasionally venturing any higher into the xmas moss :unsure:

i've seen mine on my frogbit floating around the top a few times
but they mostly live in the little cave they've built iin a crack in my bogwood

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