Pseudotropheus Demasoni

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How much rockwork do you have? Can we see a pic perhaps? Is it just aggression in general, or are certain fish doing the picking or getting picked on? Sometimes you have to remove extra dem males even with larger numbers.

I'm not sure about the size in gallon. But the dimension of the tank is 48"x20"x20".

Here's the picture of the tank. The tank is exactly 9 months old.


I think it's just aggression in general. It's quite difficult to explain. Please bare with my language... Seems like there're about 4-5 fish that are dominant. About 3-4 fish are definitely at the bottom of the hierarchy which many times can be found hiding head down in the upper corner of the tank or amoung the bubbles. The rest falls somewhere in between. The more dominant fish claim "houses" in the rockwork and stay in front of the houses. The less dominant fish stay "in" the houses and just stick their heads out - watching. When a poor small demasoni swims by, the owner of the house would dash out and chase him to another area, which would be in front of another house and the owner of the another house would dash out and chase him away to another area ... and this keeps going on and on.

The similar story goes for the yellow lab. One dominant yellow lab always stay in the center of the tank. The other 4 always hide.

So, most of the time, the fish refrain from moving about and the atmosphere looks tense all the time. They just don't look happy. (However, there's no problem during feeding.)
  • Am I under-stock?
  • If I add, say 10 more demasoni, will it help spreading out the aggression?
  • Will it be disastrous introducing new fish now?
  • Or should I even add more rocks?

There may be one solution which is to add a boss to the tank a fish that will keep all the demasoni in check you could try adding an adult male aurtus it may calm the tank down as he will control the tank and any aggression but it may back fire so be prepeared to remove it if it does not work.

I would not advise the same solution for any other tanks with high aggression but to control 14 demanosi take a tough fish !
I'm gonna get me a demasoni soon! I love 'em.
There may be one solution which is to add a boss to the tank a fish that will keep all the demasoni in check you could try adding an adult male aurtus it may calm the tank down as he will control the tank and any aggression but it may back fire so be prepeared to remove it if it does not work.

I would not advise the same solution for any other tanks with high aggression but to control 14 demanosi take a tough fish !

Ahhh ... you mean this guy?


If this is what you're refering, it might be worth trying. This kind of fish is very inexpensive here (Thailand).
Gotta say - i'd disagree with the boss theory in this case (sorry adam :p ). Demasoni simply won't back down to anything IME so adding an Auaratus/Chipokae or similar is asking for trouble and could easily result in seriously injured or even dead fish. :/
I ending up taking my Chipokae back after he killed 3 fish. They aren't the best fish to have.
:S So .... What do you think would happen if I add 10 more demasoni to the tank, making it total of 24.
:S So .... What do you think would happen if I add 10 more demasoni to the tank, making it total of 24.

I think that would be a good idea. With more of them in there, the same ones shouldn't get picked on a lot. However, when you add the new fish, I'd highly suggest moving around most if not all of the rockwork, that way everyone has to set up new territories and hopefully won't bother the newcomers too much.
Cant be right every time, I was going to do the same thing with my tank as i have had some major aggression problems so far 3 dead fish which started when my afra stopped being boss, I have replaced my limestone and gone back to ocean rock which has sorted a lot of the problems and it seems as if i have a new boss a membe deep ( i will add a pic on a seperate post, he is turning into a real stunner and is trying to breed :hyper: )
I've just added 10 more demasonis and 8 more yellow labs (the type with no black marks) to the tank, making it total of 24 demasoni and 13 yellow labs. I guess it's too soon to tell if this would help reduce the aggression level. But one thing for sure, now I'm definitely over stocked. :crazy:

Will keep you all posted.
Hello tattae can you please tell me how much do the demasonis cost since the only time i found 3 demoasonis costed me $45 for 3

Hello tattae can you please tell me how much do the demasonis cost since the only time i found 3 demoasonis costed me $45 for 3


When I bought my first 14, they were only 60 cents each! It was unbelievably cheap. But the 10 I bought today costed me US$ 6.- each. The pricing here (Thailand) is totally based on demand - supply. Price fluctuation is very common, though this is the biggest jumps I've ever seen.
Hi i am back on this topic , so what else can i put in my 85 gallon so far i have 5 Pseudotropheus demasoni and 8 Yellow labs + 2 clownloaches all around 1 inch , i did a search to find more Pseudotropheus demasoni but :angry: no one have them , the only ones i so them i bought 5 .

Are there any fish i can add or better stay with what i have
Thanks Emmanuel

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