white spots on glass

I used "Joe's Juice" and on the 3rd attempt got it inside the aiptasia's mouth. Within seconds my peppermint shrimp were all over the dying anemones.
Landlocked said:
Ways to kill aptasia anemones:

1) Use a syringe full of very hot water to literally "fry" the anemone

2) Use a syringe full of calcium additive to poison it

3) Get a red-hot screwdriver (with a plastic or rubber handle) and shove it into the anemone's hiding place

4) Attempt to remove the rock or bit of gravel it's attached to

5) Get a machine gun, a large axe, a flamethrower, a carpet, and either a sledgehammer or a large rubber mallet. Chop the tank apart, spray the anemone's area with bullets from the machine gun until the gun is emptied, pound the area into the basement with the mallet or sledgehammer, fry the entire area with the flamethrower, and then put the rug over the mess whenever your mother-in-law comes to visit. :D
ROFL :rofl:
okay, I have an Aiptasia. It grew out of my live rock and has been there a long time now. So is this good or bad? and also, if the zillions of white dots that i have on my tank IS those things, is that something really bad that I should get rid of?
Or is it just a prefrence thing? I am getting confused as to what is good and what is really bad.
5) Get a machine gun, a large axe, a flamethrower, a carpet, and either a sledgehammer or a large rubber mallet. Chop the tank apart, spray the anemone's area with bullets from the machine gun until the gun is emptied, pound the area into the basement with the mallet or sledgehammer, fry the entire area with the flamethrower, and then put the rug over the mess whenever your mother-in-law comes to visit.

hey thats a good idea lol :p
ubasst said:
5) Get a machine gun, a large axe, a flamethrower, a carpet, and either a sledgehammer or a large rubber mallet. Chop the tank apart, spray the anemone's area with bullets from the machine gun until the gun is emptied, pound the area into the basement with the mallet or sledgehammer, fry the entire area with the flamethrower, and then put the rug over the mess whenever your mother-in-law comes to visit.

hey thats a good idea lol :p
No kidding! I came up with it, so it must be good! :lol:

Seriously, you should try to discourage aptasia anemones. They may seem to be harmless and doing nothing for a while, but they will start reproducing quickly once they receive the right environmental signals. Stop them when you can. It's not really a preference thing, as they HURT if you're stung and they will slowly (or quickly, it depends) kill everything else in your tank.

hire a ninja :ninja: to come and wait for Bin Laden :eek:sama: to blow up the tank. Then, after the ninja :ninja: has reduced the anemone to living sushi :sick:, get an alien :alien: to come down and drink :pepsi: the sushi. While you :) are taking pictures :snap: of the alien :alien: , you wait for him to leave :byebye: then sell the pictures to the first guy with horns you can find :devil: . You'll have ripped him off, of course :p , so you are still good and can get into Heaven :angel: and meet the mighty wizard Gandalf :wizard: .

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