White Spot On Danios Mouth?


Dec 28, 2008
Reaction score
Devon, England
my golden zebra danio has a small white spot/ulcer on his lower lip.

i have hear about this before but is it a problem?

ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate 10
ph 7.2

no bullying, have 3 other danios, 4 corys and 2 phantom tetras
its just like a grain of salt,

i wouldnt say he gets bullied but they are very active chasing each other around
you can just about make it out, this is the best i could get

Dosn't sound like a parasite more bacterial, but need to check.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing.
Fish can get columnaris spots on the mouth they will look a greyish white sometimes with red tinging.
Any redness to the spot like on the outside of the spot or a red centre.
no compleatly white, it hasnt grown or anything in the last 3 hours or so

anything i can do to treat it?
So no grain of salt any where on the fish apart from the mouth.
No grains of salt size spots on any other fish.
Whitespot does tend to start on the mouth, but you never know.
If you think its definately not whitespot you will need a bacterial med.
Can you issolate the fish for treatment.

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